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Analysis of Quantitative Data Social Research Methods 2113 6501 Spring, 2007 March 26~April 2, 2007 Quantitative Analysis: convert data to a numerical form and statistical analyses quantification (量化): the process of converting data to a numerical format (將資料轉換成數字形式) Part I. Dealing With Data (過錄)編碼簿製作、原始資料編碼 (a codebook coding data) 資料輸入 (entering data) 清理資料 (cleaning data) Coding Data (資料編碼) Data Coding: systematically reorganizing raw data into a format that is machine readable (將原始資料有系統地轉化成電腦程式可閱讀的形式) Need a coding procedure a codebook Coding procedure(編碼程序): a set of rules stating that certain numbers are assigned to variable attributes (一些設定的規則,以確定變數屬性的編號為何) Coding Data (資料編碼) A codebook(編碼簿): a document describing the coding procedure and the location of data for variables in a format that computers can use (一份描述編碼程序及變數位置的文件) Should be well-organized, detailed (有條理、詳細) Make multiple copies! (多影印幾份,妥善保存) Precoding (事前編碼) done Code each questionnaire (每份問卷都需編碼) A codebook example Codebook Example 編碼注意事項: 製作編碼簿 (a codebook) 記得加上兩個變數: 編碼者號碼及受訪者ID Ex: 變數名稱—coder ID 製作SPSS資料檔 輸入變數名、 變數註解、 數值及註解、遺漏值等 請用紅筆編碼,綠筆用來訂正 編碼者請在問卷左上方或右上方簽名 資料輸入者也請在問卷封面上簽名 Entering data (資料輸入) Data records: each row (列) represents a respondent (case) each column (行): a specific variable Four ways to enter data: Code sheet Direct-entry method Optical scan Bar code Recommend: double entry (重複輸入) Cleaning Data (清理資料) Why clean your data? Need accuracy (準確度)! Double data entry to ensure data accuracy. Procedures to “clean” data (清理資料的步驟): Use frequency tables to do code cleaning (利用次數分配表檢查變數屬性數值、遺漏值等) Contingency cleaning (consistency checking) (一致性檢查) EX: cross-classifying two variables Check contingency questions (檢查條件式問項答案) Will discussed in more details later Part II. Data Analysis Review: Quantitative Data Analyses Univariate analyses (單變量分析): a single variable Distributions, central tendency, variation Bivariate analyses (雙變量分析): the analysis of two variables The scattergra


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