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2005—2009年B级历年总结;听 力;;6.问具体时间:when/ what time… e.g.: What’s the best time for us to leave ? When can I come to have my photos? When can I have my holidays? 回答:Ten o’clock / By 12 o’clock/ After December 24… 7. 询问对方对于某件事的见解:What do you think of… e.g.: What do you think of the film we saw yesterday? What do you think of your new boss? What do you think of the play? 回答:It was excellent. / She is very nice./ It was a waste of time. ;8.礼貌的请求:Could you please…/Would you please…/May I… e.g.: Could you get us another room on this floor? Would you please tell me something about the machine? May I ask you a few question? 回答:No problem. / With pleasure./ Yes, go ahead. 9.表示建议:Why not…/ Shall we…/Shall I…/ e.g.: Why not go to the zoo? / A good idea. Shall we meet again to discuss it further?/ Yes, when? Shall I take a message for you?/ Thank you very much.;10.询问对方意愿:Would you like…/ Would you like to…/ e.g.: Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon? I’m going to make some coffee. Would you like some? Would you like another cup of tea? Would you attend the meeting this afternoon? 回答:No, thanks./Yes, I will./Yes, I ’d like to. 11.问天气: What’s the weather like? /It was rather warm. 12.问最近好不好: How are you getting on this days?/ Not bad. 13.问学习科目: What do you study at college?/Chinese history. ;;语 法;set up:建立,成立 break up:打破,打碎 turn up: 出现;把声音开大。 go up:上升 make up: 化妆;组成;弥补 hold up: 举起 bring up:养育 come up to: 达到,等于 come up with:提出,想出,赶上 (put forward) 1.3 关于“in” in part: 部分的,某种程度上 in person:亲自 in turn:轮流,依次 ;in place: 适当,适当的 in return:作为报答 in fashion:流行 in danger:在危险中 1.4 关于“out” break out: (尤指战争)爆发,突发 pull out: (车,船)驶出 turn out: 结果是,证明是,大部分情况下后面接 to be turn out to be… work out: 解决,实现 set out:出发,动身 run out of:用完,用尽 ;1.5 关于“lie” lie in: 位于…之内 lie to: 位于…之外 lie on: 与…接壤 1.6 关于“give” give up: 放弃 give in: 屈服 give away: 分发 give off: 散发(气体,烟雾等) 1. 7关于“一点点” few: 用于可数名词,否定用法。(几乎没有) a fe


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