20th Century Literature课件.ppt

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20th Century Literature课件

Part Five Twentieth Century Literature;The Social Background;The appalling shock of the First World severely destroyed peoples faith in the Victorian values; The postwar economic dislocation and spiritual disillusion produced a profound impact upon the British people, who came to see the prevalent wretchedness in capitalism.   The Second World War marked the last stage of the disintegration of the British Empire. Britain suffered heavy losses in the war: thousands of people were killed; the economy was ruined; and almost all its former colonies were lost. People were in economic, cultural, and belief crisises. ;Ideological Background; Realism in the 20th century English literature ;;Modernism;The Poetry in England in the 20th century;The Modernistic Novel;The Modernistic Drama;Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) ;;The Characteristics of Hardy’ Writing;;;His Major Works ; Tess of the DUrbervilles ;Themes Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work.;;John Galsworthy (1867-1933) ; His major works: ;The characteristics of Galsworthys critical realism and its social effect: ;Oscar Wilde Wilde(1854 ---1900);Aesthetic Movement;Aestheticism;Main works;George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) ; His major works: ;;Shaws literary ideas: ; Mrs. Warrens Profession ; Realism in the 20th century English literature ;



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