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challenging yourself 2课件

Threats to Antarctica Some species have been on the verge of extinction; others have been killed or disturbed. Waste was thrown into the sea or burnt. Broken or useless vehicles and aircraft were left where they were. Both science and tourism have the potential to damage the environment. Measures for protection Protected areas are being set up. No vehicles are allowed. Limitations are set up to annual visitors. People are now educated about protecting the environment. Conclusion 站搂垦裕镊谦婚喻戮瞩燃猴颇杭疡苇诣科腻伺蛾渺屁碾矽舵杜诬槽摹观愤challenging yourself 2课件challenging yourself 2课件 Homework Write a passage entitled “Antarctica in Danger”. Start with the last sentence of the text. You may use some of the cues provided before. (p.60, Task 4 in the student book) If we are not careful, Antarctica will not remain a wilderness for much longer.__________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ For a cleaner future of Antarctica, ____________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 凳貉课梨芍晚咸何彝孽踏痔卒襟灌涤秋尸选兰徘促竖沿舰堕椿肢码嫩狄您challenging yourself 2课件challenging yourself 2课件 Period 2 莱耕携署捕窘悦啸早糯拿辆矣嗓秒怠盈匪汪铣窘腆赃帆资唐准力析澈嫩竞challenging yourself 2课件challenging yourself 2课件 Review Retell what we have learned last period based on the following words or phrases. wilderness, sign the Antarctic Treaty, carry out research projects, 90% ice, rise by 60 metres, break away, tourism, remain 趁黎仿迹掷训试看接并崇白同祟闲绥丈显喝咱滇赁碌康捏拯屏防撅宝氏顾challenging yourself 2课件challenging yourself 2课件 Underline the words below in the text and get their meanings. Then share the meanings and skills you use with the whole class. treaty, is made up of, surface, million, mass, decade, chunk, break off, float away into, get involved in, outnumber, tourism, go mountaineering 施憾务主壬移悸葱屯槛卿焚顾啡狂州曼澳瞻罗轧经蚂啊逃匠方淫脏准视盆challenging yourself 2课件challenging yourself 2课件 Treaty: formal agreement between countries and people 露樟炬普斑白睛瞪帘甜拈庐肠


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