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chapter 10英语翻译方法6课件

Chapter 10 Negation 吴宜涛 2013/5 Contents 否定转移 否定形式译成肯定形式 肯定形式译成否定形式 Sometimes the difference between Chinese and English is so great that the Eastern and Western people think and speak just in the opposite way. What is affirmative in one language may be expressed negatively by another, or vice versa. In translation, negation means the formal conversion from the affirmative into the negative or vice versa, which is one of the translation techniques. 正说(affirmation)和反说(negation)是指在英语句子中是否使用了no,not或者带有de-,dis-,im-,in-,un-,-less等含有否定意义的前后缀的词语,在汉语译文中是否使用了诸如“无”、“非”、“不”、“没(有)”、“未”、“否”、“别”、“休”、“莫”、“勿”、“毋”等表示否定意义的标记以及是否使用了有这些字组成的词语,如“决不”、“毫无”、“否则”、“并非”、“没有”、“未尝”等。 Transfer of the Negative from the Main Clause to the Subordinate That-Clause I don’t think Father will fancy living an idle life like that. 我想爸爸不会喜欢过那样清闲的生活。 Not all verbs in the semantic field of belief, uncertainty, etc., take transferred negation. It is notable, for example, that negation cannot be transferred from verbs like “assume”, “surmise”, and “presume”. I can’t assume that he came. 我不能假定他来了。 I assume that he couldn’t come. 我猜想他不能来。 正说(affirmation)和反说(negation)之间的转换是一种陈述方式的转换。其基本作用机制是英语和汉语在概念命名、话题表述、情态表达、强调分布时的角度、侧重面(dimension)、着眼点及特征选择或描摹方式(characterization)等方面的差异。 比如,英语中self-service bookstand为正说式,其着眼点是主观行为过程,而汉语中“无人售书处”,为反说式,其着眼点是对客观现状的描述。 在译文中采用正说或者反说均是根据目的语的语言特点,使译文更加符合目的语的表达习惯。 将肯定式与否定式进行转换可能导致情态色彩的改变。一般说来,正说是一种认可式、无异议的陈述,语气是肯定的、平铺直叙的;反说是从反面进行陈述,有时可以获得较婉转、较灵活的认定效果,因而具有余味或弦外之音。 We are quite ignorant of what he has in mind. 我们一点也不知道他心里在想什么。 And that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth. 这个归人民所有、由人民管理、为人民服务的政府将永世长存。 He killed all the chicken infected with the bird flu without exception. 他把感染了禽流感的鸡一只只全都杀光了/斩尽杀绝了。 他把感染了禽流感的鸡一只不留地杀了。 Conversion the Negative into the Affirmative disorder 混乱 carelessness 疏忽/粗心大意 illiterate 文盲 All the employees strongly disapprove of the company’s new p


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