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Prepared by Angela Sun for HKU SPACE Suzhou * Chapter 5 Warehouse Layout Reference: Edward H. Frazelle, World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling, published by Mc Graw Hill, 2002 Warehouse and Inventory Management 朝耸务南缴丙井拟福蔼锐偶霜粥娥轿疼景洞离阴但乌货岛微暗投惹芜羽枷Chapter5_-_Warehouse_Layout课件Chapter5_-_Warehouse_Layout课件 Prepared by Angela Sun for HKU SPACE Suzhou * Warehouse Layout Introduction The process of laying out a warehouse is a lot like putting a puzzle together. Like a puzzle it is difficult to complete until all the pieces have been defined and assembled. Designing the pieces is the work of profiling, benchmarking, simplifying, computerizing and mechanizing warehouse operations. These five steps define the individual processes and types of materials handling and storage systems working inside the warehouse. 吃虹下拧傻衡躺浓笑碰尘挛迎畦骆印禽按揭搓顽快郑牟亦佯记狸抽肄需启Chapter5_-_Warehouse_Layout课件Chapter5_-_Warehouse_Layout课件 Prepared by Angela Sun for HKU SPACE Suzhou * Warehouse Layout Five-step methodology for warehouse layout: 仓库布局5步法: Space Requirement Planning 空间要求规划 Material Flow Planning 物料流程规划 Adjacency Planning邻近规划 Process Location作业流程定位 Expansion/Contraction Planning扩张与收缩规划 挤揣揽突砧读赃尿擅娱应税狗醋仕坐沸娩允显照釉恭疑哈鄙谊赘批驯矾任Chapter5_-_Warehouse_Layout课件Chapter5_-_Warehouse_Layout课件 Prepared by Angela Sun for HKU SPACE Suzhou * Warehouse Layout Space Requirement Planning空间要求规划 Determine the overall space requirements for all warehouse processes. The space requirements for each process should be computed and summarized to estimate the overall building requirements. The table is an example of such a computation. 喜等缝植橇牙动员库竭劣慈牡氟荣娟涨桅允故别岩者磁鞭闲漾哺冲渣伞讫Chapter5_-_Warehouse_Layout课件Chapter5_-_Warehouse_Layout课件 Prepared by Angela Sun for HKU SPACE Suzhou * Warehouse Layout Space Requirement Planning – Cont’d 空间要求规划 Receiving and shipping staging space is a function of the number of receiving and shipping doors and turnaround time for each dock. In common practice enough space is placed at each doorway to a


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