Discourse and register analysis approaches课件.ppt

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Discourse and register analysis approaches课件

Chapter 6 Discourse and register analysis approaches;Introduction;语域(Register)是语言使用的场合或领域的总称。英国语言学家韩礼德(M. A. K. Halliday)将语域定义为,语言变体可以按照使用的情况划分为语域。语言使用的领域的种类很多,例如:新闻广播、演说语言、广告语言、课堂用语、办公用语、家常谈话、与幼童谈话、与外国人谈话、口头自述等。在不同的领域使用的语言会有不同的语体。   语域的三个社会变量:语场(field),语旨(tenor)和语式(mode)。具有某种具体用途的语言变体,它与社会或区域(因说话者的不同而异)相对。使语言行为适应于某一特定活动类型、正式程度等的一种倾向。语域是由多种情境特征------特别是指语篇语场、语篇方式和语篇基调------相联系的语言特征构成的。语域是语篇针对特定的交际场合,为达到某一交际目的而产生的一种功能变体,它是多种参数------语篇语场、方式和基调------的综合体现,不只是一种单纯的语篇方式变体。 ;The Hallidayan Model of Language and Discourse;Sociocultural environment(社会文化语境) Genre (文本类型) Register (field 语场/话语范围,tenor 话语意旨, mode 话语模式) Discourse semantics (ideational, interpersonal, textual ) Lexicogrammar (transitivity 及物性,modality 形态,theme-theme 主述位/cohesion 衔接);Register includes: 1.field: (语场/话语范围)what is being written about, e.g. a delivery of goods 2.Tenor(语旨/话语意旨): who is communicating and to whom, e.g. a sales representative to a customer; 话语意旨指交际者之间的关系 3.Mode(语式/话语模式): the form of communication, e.g. written. 话语模式指交际得以进行的方式;6.2 House’s Model of Translation Quality Assessment;House’s comparative model can be reduced to a register analysis of both ST and TT according to their realization through lexical, syntactic and textual means. Textual means refers to: theme-dynamics: thematic structure and cohesion; 主题动态学:包括主题结构及衔接 (2) Clausal linkage: addictive (and, in addition), adversative, (but, however), etc.; 小句连接:包括并列连词和转折连词 (3) Iconic linkage: parallelism of structures. 象似连接:包??结构平行等 (象似性:指的是语言符号在音,形式结构,认知方式,概念框架,所表意义之间存在映照相似现象);Scheme for analyzing and comparing original and translation texts;House’s model operates as follows: (1)A profile is produced of the ST register. (2) To this is added a description of the ST genre realized by he register. (3) Together, this allows a ‘statement of function’ to be made for the ST, including the ideational and interpersonal component of that function (in other words, what informati


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