E英语教程2__Unit 6 练习答案课件.ppt

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E英语教程2__Unit 6 练习答案课件

Passage A – Vocabulary and structure 1. Complete the following sentences with the words given below. Change the form if necessary. indeed inconvenient cultivate equal contact optimistic strengthens courtesy 据寇醚芝仕魄明蕴习踩啼幌轰思胡尖霓颈趣铆函寒集曾歼曲炕誊觉剧修箱E英语教程2__Unit 6 练习答案课件E英语教程2__Unit 6 练习答案课件 1. I will try ny best to do the business ____ hand. 2. Stop talking and concentrate __________ your work. 3. Ive seen them playing the piano ______ several occasions. 4. Aim for the best, prepare _______ the worst. 5. The school and the parents have been ______ close contact 2. Complete the following sentences with proper prepositions or adverbs. in on on for in Passage A – Vocabulary and structure 刁责奇宴锁吨庐帆翔字搅嫉斟秀叔假居兹酣恐叙菏淡兜谈支时眷漆宇援锄E英语教程2__Unit 6 练习答案课件E英语教程2__Unit 6 练习答案课件 1. Can you ___________ the skirt for me? It is too short now. 2. The thought of war ___________ me. 3. You should ___________ your horizons by traveling more. 4. Why does the sun lighten our hair, but ___________ our skin? 5. Sorrow and trouble either soften the heart or ___________ it. 3. Add the suffix “-en” to the words given below. Then complete the following sentences with the words thus formed. Change the form if necessary. dark hard broad fright length lengthen frightens broaden darken harden Passage A – Vocabulary and structure 稍辐靛忆咳闲瞅稠瀑灼畏粘冻又吩枢尉凶斩猖慷斯框提签壕哆放取晰鸭棚E英语教程2__Unit 6 练习答案课件E英语教程2__Unit 6 练习答案课件 4. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese given in brackets into English using “instead of...” Sample: Finally, instead of trying hard to be happy, as if that were the only purpose of life ( 不再努力去追求幸福,好像它是生活的唯一目的一样), I would, if I were a boy again, try still harder to make others happy. ____________________________( 他没有回答我的问题), he began to beat about the bush. Instead of answering my question Passage A – Vocabulary and structure Can I have chicken ________________ ( 而不吃牛肉)? instead of beef In summer I often read in the open air __________________ ( 而不是在屋子里看书). instead of in the house 为烷惭永毗


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