Lesson Eight Minutes Writing会议记录写作课件.ppt

Lesson Eight Minutes Writing会议记录写作课件.ppt

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Lesson Eight Minutes Writing会议记录写作课件

Lesson Eight;Outline;1.1 Definition of minutes; Minute: [’minit] An official record of the proceedings at a meeting. 会议记录:会议进程的正式记录 最为涉外文秘写作技能的一种,会议记录是指将会议的内容和过程用书面的形式记录下来,以备将来参考。 会议记录者需要具有扎实的语言功底,以及总结归纳能力,要具有一定的书写速度和很强的理解能力。 会议记录是一种相对来说格式比较固定的实用文体,经过多次练习,就可以较好地掌握其写作方法。;半正庶睡埃耍坡半玉谊体陵宪焊辞顶邮汰涎桨并嫉肝科酌晋厦墙警福躺辟Lesson Eight Minutes Writing会议记录写作课件Lesson Eight Minutes Writing会议记录写作课件;Chair or speaker;1.2 Functions of Minutes;2. Structure of Minutes;UNIVERSITY OF WALES, CARDIFF DEPARTMENT FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION Minutes of Staff Meeting held on Friday, 11 February 1999 Present Apologies of absence were received from 1 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 21 JANUARY 1999 2 MATTERS ARISING 1) Part-time Degrees 2) Mid Glamorgan Community Education Forum 3 DEANS COMMITTEE PAPER ON CREDITS AND MODULES 4 FUNDING NEWS 5 ANY OTHER BUSINESS 6 NEXT MEETING ;MINUTES OF MEETING TIME PLACE OF MEETING PURPOSE OF MEETING PRESIDING PRESENT ABSENT SUMMARY OF THE MEETING (with headlines or sub-headlines) Prepared by: Signature ; Although there are different styles of minutes, they have the key information in common. All should cover four basic things: Where and when the meeting took place Who was there and who was not What has been decided for the group Who has agreed to do that Therefore, most minutes can be divided into four parts: Heading Body Adjournment Signature of the minutes recorder ; 会议记录的内容;Title;Notes for the various Sections The heading The body Adjournment of Meeting Signature ;The Heading 题头;Meeting Title: ____________________________________ Name of Committee _______________________________ Meeting Date: _____________________ Time: _________ Meeting Location: _________________________________ Members Present: _________________________________ Members Absent: _________________________________ Minutes _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Recorder: ____


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