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我当时听起来一定很自豪 I ____ _____ ______ very proud of myself after the quiz. 等她参加体操锦标赛的时候,她已经做了十一年的青少年体操运动员了 By the time she ________ ____the gymnastics tournament, she ____ _____ a junior gymnast for eleven years. ;当被问及时,他们通常都要先犹豫一会儿再回答。 When_____, they usually ________before __________. 友谊意味着我有一个可以信赖的人。 Friendship ______ _______someone I can____ _____. 我禁不住在想,他是不是希望彼得取代我成为他最好的朋友呢。 I _____ _____ _________if he wants Peter to be his best friend ______ ___me. ;他很生气,说,如果他不能打得和我一样好,那不是他的错,他还说,我不应该那样对他说话。 He got annoyed, _______ it wasn’t his fault if he couldn’t play ___ ____ ____me, and that I shouldn’t talk to him __ ____ _______. 然而,如果我结束了我们的友谊,我们俩就什么也学不到了。 However, if I ____ _____our friendship, we _____ ______ both ______nothing. ;这该中心有300多名致力于找到阻止沙漠化措施的科学家。 The centre has over 300 scientists _______ __ ______ ________that will stop desertification. 对生活在江中或岸边的大量鱼类和野生生物来说也是个不好的消息。 ____ __ __ good news for ___ ___ ____ of fish and wildlife that live in or along the river. ;中国政府和人民为保护这条他们所挚爱的河流所作的努力,在不远的将来必会受到赞赏。 The efforts of the Chinese government and people __ ______ this much- loved river will be __________ for years __ ____. 尽力削减产量并减少我们制造和购买的东西数量是我们的责任。 It is our duty to try to ___ _____ ____ production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy. ;世界人口的数量不断增长,我们不断制造更多的垃圾,消耗更多的原材料。 ___ ______ __ people in the world _____ ______ , and we are producing more rubbish and _____ ___more raw materials. 使用卫星找出可能受荒漠化影响的地区。 using satellites to ____ ____ areas _____ ___ ___ ______ by desertification. 很显然,你们对环境的现状很担忧。 __ __ __________ ____ you are very ________ _____ the present situation of our environment. ;然而,我非常赞同我们应该利用回收材料制造更多的产品,减少原材料的使用,因为原材料的供应越来越紧张。 However, I ___ _____ that we should produce more things from materials that have been recycled,and less from raw materials, ___ _____ __ _____ is growing smaller and smaller. 毫无疑问,世界气候在近几年发生着变化。 ____ __ __ ____ ___ the world climate has been changing in recent years. ;世界人口比1800年增加了六倍。 The world’s popula


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