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suit vt. a)适合于 look attractive on (sb) 花色、款式,风格等与皮肤、气质、身材或身份相称 1)The colour of the cloth suits a woman at her age. 2))That colour doesnt suit your complexion. 3)Blue suits her very well,I think. 我认为蓝色对她很合适。 4)Do you think that this style suits me? 5)The architecture of the house should suit the surroundings. 这房子的建筑风格应适合周边环境。 6)This climate doesnt suit me. 这种气候对我很不适合。 7)That haircut suits you. 那种发型很适合你。;比较并体会下面两个句子: 1)This dress doesn’t fit me. Have you got a larger size? 这件连衣裙不合我的身,你有大一点尺寸的吗? 对比:This dress doesn’t suit me. Have you got another style? 这件连衣裙不适合我穿,你还有其他的式样吗? 2)This new jacket fits her well . 这件夹克很合她的身。 对比:This new jacket suits her beautifully . 这件夹她穿着真漂亮。 ; fit与suit的用法区别 fit主要是指尺寸、大小、形状等方面的适合。 Her coat fits (her) perfectly. 她的大衣很合身。 The key doesn’t fit the lock. 这把钥匙打不开这把锁。;B)指合乎需要、口味、条件、地位 vt. vi. 对…方便,中…的意 be convenient for or acceptable to (sb) vt. 对…合适或有利 be right or beneficial for (sb/sth) If you want to go by train, that suits me fine. 你要是想坐火车去,那对我很方便。 That arrangement will suit me quite well. 这样的安排对我很合适。 The changes did not suit his plans. 这些变动不合他的计划。 suit ones tastes 适合某人的喜好 suit the needs of modernization 适应现代化的需要 suit quite /well 非常适合 suit oneself 随自己的意愿行事 do as one likes;C)suit使...适合... 或者be suited to....适合... He suited his speech to his audience . 他使自己的演讲适合于听众。 Take care to suit the punishment to the crime. 注意要以罪量刑。 Jim and Mary seem suited to each other, in spite of their quarrels. 吉姆和玛丽虽然常争吵,可两人看起来很相投。 Do you think David is suited to teaching? 你觉得大卫适合当教员吗? 对比: 当表示“使……适合”的意思时,fit 常与 for 连用 His experience fits him for the job .;match vt 与……相配??相称” Her clothes do not match her age. 她的衣服与她的年龄不配。 The color of the shirt does not match that of the tie. 衬衫的颜色与领带不相配。 Vi 相配”“相称” The curtains and paint don’t match. 窗帘和油漆颜色不协调 These shoes do not match; one is larger. 这双鞋不相配,一呮挭大了点。 The carpets should match the curtains. 地毯应该和窗帘相配。 match up to 比得上: The


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