Unit 10《旅游英语》配套课件.ppt

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Unit 10《旅游英语》配套课件

Unit Ten Visiting Places of Interest 参观游览 ;Unit Objectives (单元目标) ;Background Knowledge 背景知识 ;Types of Places of Interest 景点类型 ;Practice Materials 实训材料 ;Dialogue 1;Dialogue 1;参考译文;Dialogue 2;Dialogue 2;Dialogue 2;参考译文;Reading ;Shanghai Travel and Tours Guide;Shanghai Travel and Tours Guide;c. Choose an appropriate word or phrase to fill in each blank to make each sentence meaningful, and change its form where necessary. 1. He was sitting in the garden gazing at the moon, immersed in ecstasy. 2. As there is much pressure from her work, she cherishes the chance of strolling with her mother in the little park. 3. The report is a brilliant condensation of these years’ effort. 4. As the train to the art centre was delayed, the engineer had to change his agenda . 5. It is raining heavily outside, therefore, the host announced a last-minute change of venue . 6. The effort made by the pioneers illuminated us a resolute route to victory. 7. Nowadays, there are heated discussions about movie stars employed as honorary professors in universities. 8. Young as a child, Thomas is ingenious at solving difficult crossing puzzles. 9. Each government fosters the growth of agriculture. 10. After years of hard working on her major, she has a comprehensive grasp of the subject.;d. Translate the following sentences into English with words or phrases given in the brackets. 1. 未能完全融入当地社会的外国移民极少参加公共活动。 (integrate) Those foreign immigrants who haven’t integrated well into the country rarely took part in social activities. 2. 自丈夫在战争中牺牲的噩耗传来,她就一直沉浸在悲痛之中。 (immerse) She has immersed herself in grief since the news that her husband died in the war came. 3. 春节马上就要到了,街道上到处张灯结彩。 (illuminate) Spring Festival is around the corner; the streets are illuminated by colorful lights. 4. 很多家长都竭尽全力地培养孩子在某个方面的兴趣,却忽视了孩子的意愿。 (foster) Many parents are trying hard to foster an interest for their children, neglecting children’s will. 5. 新员工的建议


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