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段落翻译练习-6;秦朝是第一个统一中国的朝代。秦始皇作为中国的首个皇帝而被人们记住。他以绝对的权威进行无情地统治,甚至破坏了与他的理念不一致的古代惯例和文学。虽然秦朝只持续了15年,但它对中国文化的影响是巨大的。它引入了封建制度,并使之成为了帝制中国的核心特征。它标准化了度量衡(weights and measures)、货币以及书面语。它还完成了巨大的基础设施建设,包括最早期的长城。;词汇难点:;1.秦朝是第一个统一中国的朝代。秦始皇作为中国的首个皇帝而被人们记住。 The Qin Dynasty is the first to unify China, and Qin Shi Huang is remembered as China’s first emperor. ;2. 他以绝对的权威进行无情地统治,甚至破坏了与他的理念不一致的古代惯例和文学。 He ruled ruthlessly with absolute authority and even destroyed ancient practices or literature not corresponding to his ideas. ;3. 虽然秦朝只持续了15年,但它对中国文化的影响是巨大的。 Although the Qin Dynasty lasted for only 15 years, its impact on Chinese culture was great. ;4.它引入了封建制度,并使之成为了帝制中国的核心特征。 The feudal system was introduced and became a central feature/characteristic of imperial China. ;5.它标准化了度量衡(weights and measures)、货币以及书面语。 Weights and measures, currency and the written language were all standardized. 6.它还完成了巨大的基础设施建设,包括最早期的长城。 Huge infrastructure projects were completed, including the earliest Great Wall. ;The Qin Dynasty was the first to unify China, and Qin Shi Huang is remembered as China’s first emperor. He ruled ruthlessly with absolute authority and even destroyed ancient practices or literature not corresponding to his ideas. Although the Qin Dynasty lasted only 15 years, its impact on Chinese culture was great. The feudal system was introduced and became a central feature of imperial China. Weighs and measures, currency and the written language were all standardized. Huge infrastructure projects were completed, including the earliest Great Wall. ;难点解析:


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