《大学英语综合教程》第1至4册语法比喻分布状况研究 .docVIP

《大学英语综合教程》第1至4册语法比喻分布状况研究 .doc

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《大学英语综合教程》第1至4册语法比喻分布状况研究 .doc

  《大学英语综合教程》第1至4册语法比喻分布状况研究----大学英语教学论文 --第1章简介 1.1研究的目的和意义的研究 随着经济和社会的发展,英语变得越来越重要的意义。几乎所有的大学都在中国设立了英语课程,不仅为英语专业的学生,同时也为其他专业的学生设立了英语课程。在英语教学过程中,英语的教学用书,是教学内容的载体,有关英语的知识,技能和学习策略。According to the research, over 90% universities are using CollegeEnglish Integrated Course Book 1- 4 published by shanghai foreignlanguage educationuniversityenglish/ press as their teaching textbook for non-English majors.For example, Peking University has been using this series of textbookssince 2003, nearly 3,000 students learn English through this series oftextbooks every year. (Zhang, B, Ma,L,2004) Accordingly, the study andevaluation of this series of textbooks arouse attentions of lots scholars. It isalso the reason etaphor; it should be expressed as “languaging,,not “language”,becauselanguage use is a dynamic process. Metaphor is monly used in ourdaily life and exists not only in language usage, but also in our thoughtsand behaviors. (Lakoff,1980) Accordingly, during the foreign languagelearning, metaphor expression is an indispensable ake languageexpression more lively and formally.Halliday (2000:342) also claimed that “Metaphorical modes ofexpression are characteristic of all adult discourse,,and grammaticalmetaphor mainly manifest in ongcollege students, the texts selected should be maticalmetaphor usage. This thesis matical metaphor theory as an analytical tool to explore maticalmetaphors and matical metaphor distribution pattern like inthis series text books. The analysis universityenglish/of English textbooks College EnglishIntegrated Course Book 1- 4 based on grammatical metaphor theory is notonly a nematical metaphor theory butalso a contribution to give the suggestions for the English teachers ands for thefurther improvements of text books. 1.2 The Data Collection and Analysis Procedures数据收集和程序分析 The subjects of this thesis are all passages of Partll, Text A edited forcollege English Integrated course books from Book One to Book Four. Thereasons for selecting these passages



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