中小型企业客户关系管理系统的设计与实现 .docVIP

中小型企业客户关系管理系统的设计与实现 .doc

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中小型企业客户关系管理系统的设计与实现 .doc

  中小型企业客户关系管理系统的设计与实现----客户关系管理论文 --摘 要 随着社会的发展和信息技术的不断发展,企业对客户关系管理系统也越来越重视了,资金投入比例也在加大,客户关系管理信息系统开发也开始走向完善的阶段。 CRM,即客户关系管理系统,指的是企业通过富有意义的交流沟通,理解并影响客户行为,最终实现提高客户获得、 关键词:客户关系管理 销售管理 库存管理 Abstract anagement, the Development of CMRS(Customer Relationship Management System) 15moreperfeet than ever. CMR, namely Customer Relationship Management, the meaning is through the sing affective munication, the enterprise understand and influence the act of The Customer, finally realize the customer gaining, customer holding, customer faith, customer Profit, In a er as center, all the er. CRM’s core content is mainly to improve the atomization extent of every ache, to cut distribution Period, to recede distribution cost, to enlarge distribution quantity, to increase earning more Profit, to grab move market, to seek nearket chance and distribution channel, through uninterrupted reforming the operative floer relationship, such as distribution and customer service. it’s final target is to improve enterprise kernel petition, and to remain invincible in ardent petition circumstance. The paper (CRM) has first carried on the outline introduction to the Customer relations management, including CRM basic concept, management Thought and basic constitution. After that carries on the demand analysis. The system Plan as er management subsystem essential technology, and introduced the system design Process corresponds the module the detailed design Process, has Produced the design effect and the design code. Moreover, the paper also introduced the system test goal, the duty and the method: Use a concrete test example examination to plete the system correspondence function the Realization situation. Key ent Inventory Management 目 录 摘 要I AbstractII 1 绪论 1.1 前言(1) 1.2 研究背景(2) 1.3 国内外研究状态(3)--BR1.4 本文研究工作(5) 2 系统关键技术分析 2.1 J2EE的结构与设计平台(6) 2.2 B/S架构(7) 2.3 数据库环境(8) 2.4 本章小结(10) 3 系统设计 3.1 系统需求分析(11) 3.2 系统总体功能架构设计(15) 3.3 系统各功能模块的设计(16) 3.4 本章小结(22) 4 系统实现 4.1 系统平台的搭建(23) 4.2 系统各功能模块的实现(24) 4.3 数据库


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