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默沙东天津市场顾客导向策略案例研究毕业论文 目 录 摘要 1 关键词 Abstract 2 Key words 第一章 绪论 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.1.1天津医药市场现状分析 1 1.1.2默沙东公司简介 2 1.2研究目的和意义 3 1.2.1目的 3 1.2.2意义 3 1.3研究方法 3 1.4研究框架 4 第二章 国内外相关营销理论综述 5 2.1探索营销理论的发展 5 2.1.14X理论综述 5 2.1.24X理论各自的特征及比较 5 2.2联合4X应用于医药营销行业的主要导向理论 6 2.2.1产品导向 6 2.2.2竞争导向 7 2.2.3目标导向 7 2.2.4 顾客导向策略及适用性分析 7 第三章 默沙东天津市场顾客导向策略现状分析 9 3.1默沙东天津市场顾客导向策略的体现及实践 9 3.2 波特五力模型分析 10 3.2.1进入壁垒高 10 3.2.2供应商的谈判力量较弱 10 3.2.3客户的谈判力量较复杂 11 3.3.4来自替代产品的威胁很大 11 3.3.5来自同类产品的威胁很大 11 3.3 SWOT分析 12 3.3.1优势 12 3.3.2劣势 12 3.3.3机会 13 3.3.4威胁 13 第四章 默沙东顾客导向策略提升机制 13 4.1 客户关系管理 14 4.2 顾客满意与忠诚 15 4.3 顾客生命周期 16 4.4 提升顾客价值 16 4.5 基于顾客需求的技术研发 17 4.6 企业战略层设计 17 第五章 结论 18 参考文献 19 致谢 20 毕业论文诚信声明 21 摘要 随着市场营销领域“以顾客为导向”思想的建立,“顾客”成为企业关注的焦点,顾客价值理论成为当今国际上企业管理理论研究和实践的一个热点,顾客价值战略也成为以顾客为导向的企业发展战略的重要内容,被视为企业竞争优势的新来源。With 4X the area of marketing development of the theory of "customer-oriented" thinking of the establishment of the "clients" become the focus of attention, the customer value theory has become in today's international business management theory and practice of a hot, customer value strategy become a customer-oriented enterprise development strategy content, be regarded as business a new source of competitive advantage. In this paper, using Porter Five Forces Model and SWOT model of the pharmaceutical market through the analysis and macro-micro analysis of Merck drugs, the system shows the current environment faced by the company Merck Sharp & Dohme, as well as customer-oriented strategy for the adoption of the applicability of analysis and as a specific strategy based. Customer-oriented strategy to enhance the mechanism through customer relationship management, customer satisfaction and loyalty, customer life cycle, enhance customer value, customer demand for technology-based research and development, corporate strategy of six-layer design in detail how the MSD is better than competitors, to win and maintain customers, access to long-term development of enterprises. Key words


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