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SPECIALTY ENGLISH ON WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ; lesson 1 The Hydrologic Cycle;1.1 Schematic of the hydrologic cycle;1.2 technical terms;1.2 technical terms;The total measurable supply of water of all forms of falling moisture, including dew, rain, mist, snow, hail and sleet. 所能观测到的包括露、降雨、霜、雪、冰雹和霰等所有形式的降水的总量。;1.A fall of rain -precipitation in the form of liquid water. 降雨-以液态形式的降水。 2. The amount of rain -usually expressed in millimetres (inches) depth of water on an area, that reaches the surface of the earth. 降雨量-通常用到达地面的水深来度量,单位为mm(或英寸);Portion of total precipitation from a given area that appears in natural or artificial surface streams. 某一区域内,在天然的或人工的河流中所汇集的总降雨量的一部分。;The flow or movement of water through the surface into the soil body or ground. 水流或流动的水从地表进入土壤或地面以下。 降雨入渗 rainfall infiltration;入渗率 infiltration rate;The process by which water is changed from the liquid or solid state into the gaseous state through the transfer of heat energy. 水通过热传导由液态或固态变成气态的过程;The emission of watery vapour from the living plant. 有生命的植物散发水蒸汽。 蒸腾系数 transpiration ratio; transpiration coefficient 蒸散发量 evapotranspiration; 耗水量consumptive use 潜在蒸散量或蒸腾量 potential evapotranspiration ;干旱 arid; 半干旱 semiarid, subarid 湿润 humid;半湿润 semihumid,subhumid 水文年 water year; 季节性河流 ephemeral(短暂的,一年生的) stream 流域,排水面积 watershed;drainage basin; catchment basin; river basin; catchment area 流域年产水量 annual yield of drainage basin 流域渗漏 watershed leakage; 断面 profile (设计)洪水过程线(design) flood hydrograph 水文过程线 hydrograph;凝结condensation 壤中流 interflow;地面滞留量surface detention;水汽 water vapor; 水库 reservoir 大气降水 the precipitation from the atmosphere 地表面 ground surface; 在…范围内变化 range from…to… 需水(情况)water need; 自河道取水的供水系统:the water supply systems that obtain their water from rivers 河口 river mouth 干冰 dry ice 斜坡地 sloping farmland 汇水面积 watershed area ;condense 凝结 If steam touches cold surfaces, it is condensed into water. 蒸气接触到冷的表面就凝结成水。 Moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night.


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