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静态与动态 (Stative vs. Dynamic) 英语倾向于多用名词,因而叙述呈静态(stative); 汉语倾向于多用动词,因而叙述呈动态(dynamic). At six,my friend and his wife were in the tunnel隧道 on their way into New York for a seven o‘clock appointment. A small plane from kunming carried us over the mountains and sent us to jinghong. His acceptance of bribes贿赂 led to his arrest. 我越来越思念我的故乡,也越来越尊重我的故乡。 With the passing of days, I become more and more homesick and more and more respectful of my old home. R. Quirk等人对静态和动态的解释 Nouns refer to entities (实体)that are regarded as stable. nouns can be characterized naturally as ”stative ”. STATIVE : noun adjective DYNAMIC :verb adverb verbs can be equally naturally characterized as “dynamic”动态 . Verbs are fitted to indicate action, activity and temporary or changing conditions. STATIVE : noun ; adjective DYNAMIC :verb ; adverb 英语的静态倾向主要表现在以下几个方面 一 名词化(nominalization)是英语常见 的现象 二 用名词表示施事者(Agentive noun),以代替动词 三 用名词代替形容词,构成标题式短语(Headline phrase) 四 名词优势造成介词优势 五 动词的虚化和弱化 六 用形容词或副词表达动词的意义 名词化(nominalization)是英语常见 的现象 nominalization 用名词表示施事者(Agentive noun),以代替动词 用名词代替形容词,构成标题式短语(Headline phrase) 名词优势造成介词优势 五 动词的虚化和弱化 六 用形容词或副词表达动词的意义 英语 采用非动词的形式 英语通过动词的派生,转化,弱化和虚化等手段, (如名词,介词,形容词, 副词等)表达动词的含义,因而表达成静态。 与此相比汉语则多倾向于用动词 动态倾向主要表现 一. 动词连用是汉语常见的现象 二. 动词词组可以充当汉语句子的各种成分而无需改变形式 三.汉语动词常常重复或重叠 The doctor’s extremely quick arrival and uncommonly careful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery. The doctor arrived extremely quickly and examined the patient uncommonly carefully; the result was that he recovered very speedily. 先将抽象名词化为动词 1 The doctor’s extremely quick arrival and uncommonly careful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery. The doctor arrived extremely quickly and examined the patient uncommonly carefully; the result was that he recovered very speedily. The abuse of basic human rights in their own country


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