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Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World 大自然未解之谜;Introduction-3 Vocabulary (5m)  Learn the new words;;footprint;;  Activity 2 on match the words with the definitions.;Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World 大自然未解之谜;;;Look at the pictures.; _________ is a monster that lives high up in the Himalayas. It’s about two meters tall and has powerful arms and legs. It often gets angry and will attack anyone who goes close to it. Local people and people traveling in the mountains have many stories to tell about it.; 喜马拉雅山雪人,雪人被称作“夜帝” (Yeti),意思是居住在岩石上的动物。关于雪人的传说可以追溯到公元前326年,它们高1.5米到4.6米不等,头颅尖耸,红发披顶,周身长满灰黄色的毛,步履快捷。; ______________ got its name because of its large footprints. It lives in the mountainous forests of northwest America and probably looks like a very large monkey - tall and hairy with big arms and legs. Native Americans believe it is a spirit and has no physical form. ; ________________ is a frightening creature that lives in Scotland. Climbers say they have seen it on the mountains. It is tall and has a grey face and long claws instead of hands. ; One of the most famous monsters in the world is the __________________ . It lives in a deep lake (a loch) in the north of Scotland and it is very old. It has a small head and a long tail and some people believe it is a dinosaur. ;The Loch Ness Monster (4);Before-reading;铀练帧艘朵踩针翼晰奥浙耗壤集员强灿裔耳芦剥退蔬申厢摧吾冒乏容嗽赛B4M6unexplained_mysteries_reading课文课件B4M6unexplained_mysteries_reading课文课件;The north and south long 4.85 kilometers; The east and west wide 3.35 kilometers; Cover an area of 9.82 square kilometers. On the average, lake Tianchi is 204 meters deep. The deepest point is 373 meters where is the deepest in tianchi. Lake Tianchi is the deepest of all the lakes in China. ;买拼藐送啼冯箱靶锚歪蛹蝴耶位迂痔闲客铸宰痔廖斧克嘴沃鸯伟琴纠芭谦B4M6


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