学龄前儿童第二语言学习中的认知风格研究 - 华东师范大学-网络教育 .pdf

学龄前儿童第二语言学习中的认知风格研究 - 华东师范大学-网络教育 .pdf

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学龄前儿童第二语言学习中的认知风格研究 - 华东师范大学-网络教育

2009 1 2009, No. 1 146 FORE IGN LANGUAGE RESEARCH SerialNo. 146 * 李霄翔 鞠 虹 ( 东南大学, 南京 210097; 南京信息工程大学, 南京 210044) : , , 23 , t , , ; , , : ; ; : H 0- 05 : A : 1000- 0100( 2009) 01- 0053- 5 S tudy on Preschool Ch ild ren . s Cogn itive S ty les in Second L anguage L earn ing LiX iao-x iang Ju H ong ( Sou thea tUn iver ity, N anjing 210097, China; N anj ing Un iver ity of Information Sc ience T echnology, N anjing 210044, Ch ina) Cogn itive ty le influence econd language learner . perform ance a w ell a re ult . T h i paper ami to find out the ir in flu- ence upon pre chool children and report om e find ing of an emp ir ical tudy conducted in a kindergarten in w hich 23 ch ildren participated. In th i tudy, Correlation A naly i and t T e tw ere emp loyed in an attem pt to find out the ub ject . cogn itive ty le in relation to their Engli h learn ing perform ance and re ult . It i intere ting to note after the analy i of all data collected that a-l though there i no ignificant correlation betw een cogn itive ty le and pre chool ch ildren. econd language te t re u lt, cognitiv e ty le till in fluence pre chool ch ildren. perform ance in econd languag e cla e ; there m ight be a tendency that FI pre chool ch ildren perform better than FD pre chool ch ildren in SL te t. Th i paper conclude w ith om e ugge tion to pre chool ch ildren. econd language teaching. K ey w ord s: pre chool ch ildren; cogn itive ty le ; econd language learning 1 , , , , ,


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