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直接引语与间接引语 Date:Apr. 28th,2011 Prepared by :Anna Chen 概念: 直接引语是指原封不动地引述原话,把它放在引号里。 间接引语是用自己的话来转述别人的话,没有引号。 共同点:这两种引语都是复合句中的宾语从句(祈使句变来的间接引语除外)。 1、直接引语变为间接引语时,人称、时态、指示代词、时间和地点状语及某些动词要用相应变化。其变法如下: (1)、人称变化与汉语相同。如: She said ,“I went to see Mr. Liu yesterday.”她说:“我昨天去看过刘老师了。” She said that she had gone to see Mr. Liu the day before.她说那天她去看过刘老师了。 (2)、时态的变化列表如下: 直接引语 间接引语 一般现在时: “I am very glad to visit your workshop,” she said. “我很高兴参观你们的车间。”她说。 一般过去时: She said that she was very glad to visit our workshop. 她说她很高兴参观我们的车间。 正在进行时: “I am checking your homework now,” his mother said. “我现在正在检查你的作业,”他母亲说。 过去进行时: His mother said that she was checking his homework then. 他母亲说她当时正在检查他的作业。 现在完成时: “Have you handed in the money for the tickets?” the monitor asked. “你交票款了吗?”班长问。 过去完成时: The monitor asked me if I had handed in the money for the tickets.(注意:波浪线部分是陈述语序) 班长问我是否交票款了。 一般过去时: She said, “My mother took me to an exhibition yesterday.” 她说,“我母亲昨天带我去看了展览。” 过去完成时: She said that her mother had taken her to an exhibition the day before. 她说她母亲前一天带她去看了展览。 过去完成时: “Had you finished your homework before you watched TV?” Her mother asked her.“你是做完作业才看电视的吗?”她妈妈问她。 过去完成时: Her mother asked her if(whether) she had finished her homework before she watched TV.她妈妈问她是不是完成作业才看电视。 一般将来时: “I’ll come to see you tonight,” she said to him. 她跟他说,“我今晚去看你。” 过去将来时: She told him that she would go to see him that night.她跟他说,她当天晚上去看他。 现在(过去)完成进行时: He said,“I’ve been coming to see you for ages.”他说,“我好久都一直想来看你。” “What had she been eating?”the doctor asked.“她吃什么来着?”医生问。 过去完成进行时: He said that he had been coming to see me for ages.他说他好久都一直想来看我。 The doctor asked what she had been eating. 医生问她吃什么来着。 但是,要注意下面的情况: ① 主句的谓语动词是现在时或将来时,间接引语的时态与原来直接引语的时态一样,不必改变。如: She says,“ I will have finished my homework by myself.”她说:“我一定要独自完成作业。” She says that she will have finished her homework by herself. The businessman will say,“I have pai


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