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spike [spa?k] n. 长钉,道钉;钉鞋;细高跟 vt. 阻止;以大钉钉牢;用尖物刺穿 n. (Spike)人名;(瑞典)斯皮克 opposite [?p?z?t; -s?t] n. 对立面;反义词 prep. 在…的对面 adj. 相反的;对面的;对立的 adv. 在对面 lit up 点火,点灯 变快活(light up的过去式) The light from the lamp opposite our door caught the white curve of her neck, lit up her hair that rested there and, falling, lit up the hand upon the railing. innumerable [?nju?m(?)r?b(?)l] adj. 无数的,数不清的 annihilate [?na??le?t] vt. 歼灭;战胜;废止 vi. 湮灭;湮没 tedious [ti?d??s] adj. 沉闷的;冗长乏味的 syllable [s?l?b(?)l] n. 音节 vt. 划分音节 vi. 按音节发音;讲话 luxuriate [l?g???r?e?t; l?gzj??-; l?ksj??-] vi. 沉溺;繁茂;生活奢侈 bazzaar bazzaar - 市集 ; amiability [,em??b?l?ti] n. 可爱;和蔼可亲;友善 sternness [st?:nis] n. 严厉;严格 monotonous [m?n?t(?)n?s] adj. 单调的,无抑扬顿挫的;无变化的 I answered few questions in class. I watched my master’s face pass from amiability to sternness; he hoped I was not beginning to idle. I could not call my wandering thoughts together. I had hardly any patience with the serious work of life which, now that it stood between me and my desire, seemed to me child’s play, ugly monotonous child’s play. fussing v. 烦躁;大惊小怪;发牢骚(fuss的ing形式) parlour [pɑ?l?] n. 客厅;会客室;雅座 n. (Parlour)人名;(英)帕勒 pitilessly [pitilisli] adv. 无情地;冷酷地 misgive [m?sg?v] vt. 使怀疑;使担心 vi. 疑虑;怀疑,恐惧 irritable [?r?t?b(?)l] adj. 过敏的;急躁的;易怒的 indistinct [?nd?st??kt] adj. 模糊的,不清楚的;朦胧的;难以清楚辨认的 discreet [d?skri?t] adj. 谨慎的;小心的 curved [k??vd] n. 倒弧角 adj. 弯曲的;弄弯的 vt. 弯曲(curve的过去式) I may have stood there for an hour, seeing nothing but the brown-clad figure cast by my imagination, touched discreetly by the lamplight at the curved neck, at the hand upon the railings and at the border below the dress. endure [?ndj??; en-; -dj??] vt. 忍耐;容忍 vi. 忍耐;持续 prolonged [pr?l??d] adj. 延长的;拖延的;持续很久的 interpret [?nt??pr?t] vi. 解释;翻译 vt. 说明;口译 energetic [,en?d?et?k] adj. 精力充沛的;积极的;有力的 recite [r?sa?t] vt. 背诵;叙述;列举 vi. 背诵;叙述 intolerable [?nt?l(?)r?b(?)l] adj. 无法忍受的;难耐的 ruinous [ru??n?s] adj. 破坏性的,毁灭性的;零落的 improvise [?mpr?va?z] vt. 即兴创作;即兴表演;临时做;临时提


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