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Module 8 Photos ????一、学习内容、目标与要求 题目 Photos 题材内容 本模块以摄影比赛为话题,介绍了托尼为参加摄影比赛而拍照的经历和上届摄影比赛的结果公示。通过介绍和摄影相关的内容展示了定语从句的用法。摄影比赛不是每位学生都参加过,但是其话题却为学生所熟悉,所以有利于教学活动的设计与实施。 教学目标 语言 知识 目标 功能 能够描述图片信息,掌握介绍信息的技巧;能够描述长、宽、高等度量。 语法 能够掌握which, who引导的定语从句。 词汇 能够正确使用下列单词和词组:on the left/right, trouble, expect, pick up, even though, size, beauty, category, movement, include, rich, congratulation, photographer, ceremony理解下列单词和词组:shot, kid, historic, feature, present, frightened 语音 掌握句子中单词的重读。 ????二、课文讲解 ????Unit1? It’s the band which gets everyone dancing ????1. There are a lot of people here! 这儿有许多人。 ????a lot of = lots of? 许多的,大量的 ????A lot of students are playing football now. 许多学生现在踢足球。 ????Lots of visitors came to Beijing in March. 在三月许多游客来北京参观。 ????2. everyone wants to come to the school dance. 每个人都想参加校舞会。 ????everyone 每人,人人,不定代词,作主语时谓语动词用单数。 ????Everyone is here, Let’s begin our class. ????都到齐了,让我们上课了。 ????Everyone wants to have a good education. ????每人都想有一个良好的教育。 ????3. By the way, is that He Zhong at the front? 顺便问一下,何周在前面吗? ????(1)By the way? 顺便问一下 ????in this way? 用这种方法 ????on the way? 在……路上 ????By the way, Where is Jim? 顺便问一下,Jim在哪儿? ????You can solve the problem in this way. 你可以用这种方法解决问题。 ????on the way home, I met my good friend. 在回家的路上,我遇到了我的好朋友。 ????(2)front? 前面 ????in front of? 在……前面(外部) ????in the front of? 在……前面(内部) ????I often sit in the front of the car when I go out. ????当我外出的时候,我经常坐在小汽车的前部。 ????There is a big tree in front of my house. ????在我家房前,有一棵大树。 ????4. But look after your camera! 但是要照看好你的照相机。 ????look after? 照顾,照看,相当于take care of ????You must look after yourself and keep healthy. ????你必须要照顾好你自己,保持健康。 ????My mother went out, so I had to take care of my young sister. ????我妈妈出去了,我不得不照看我的小妹妹。 ????5. There was something wrong with his camera. 他的相机出了毛病。 ????在something wrong中形容词修饰不定代词,形容词放在后面。 ????例:I have something important to tell you. ????我有一些重要的事情要告诉你。 ????Do you want anything special to eat? ????你想吃些什么特别的吗? ????6. We didn’t expect to see you! 我们没有想到会见


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