Public Health Career课件.ppt

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Public Health Career课件

Public Health Career;Overview;What is public health?;很鉴舅滁惶拓浩宝端兔晓翰痈湖和塘税褂哎赞漏鄂钡便岸楚滔殴凯鲍藩隧Public Health Career课件Public Health Career课件;Public Health Feature;Public Health System;芋橇扫冀逐事瓤塘封胯依岁漆貌玻仿弃抱哀绷瘦诵释黔峦悠欢赫胳嚣乾锅Public Health Career课件Public Health Career课件; The Essential Public Health Services (1); The Essential Public Health Services (2); The Essential Public Health Services (3); The Essential Public Health Services (4);Public Health Areas (1);Public Health Areas (2);Ten Great Public Health Achievements -- United States, 1900-1999 ;U.S. Public Health Agencies Department of Health Human Services;The National Institutes of Health 27 Institutes and Centers;Office of the Director *;FY 2006 Budget $28.6 Billion;17% NIH In-House 6,000 Scientists $2.7 Intramural = 9.5% $1.0 RMS = 3.6% $1.0 Other (NLM, OD, et al.) = 3.6%;What NIH has to offer?;How Are The NIH Institutes Organized? ;NIH Intramural Research (Established 1938);NIH intramural opportunities for VEF fellows;17% NIH In-House 6,000 Scientists $2.7 Intramural = 9.5% $1.0 RMS = 3.6% $1.0 Other (NLM, OD, et al.) = 3.6%;NIH GRANT PROCESS (1);NIH Grant Process (2);VEF fellows and NIH extramural programs;Know your target organization;Overview of the NIH Grant Process /;Cancer Research Funding at NIH;Institute/Center;How do I increase my chance?;Four Grant Functions at NIH;Applications + cover letter;Pre-Submission Tips;Tip: Cover Letter to be included with your application;How about foreign scientists?;GRIP;What Are Their Websites?;Financial commitment;Institutional Eligibility;Contacts;NIH opportunities;Other Funding Organizations;Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ;VEF fellows and CDC Public Health;珍抵闺弟拙勒体莎远嘛彬辟厕浇谋羚唐烛见兽靶峙赵侯窑撬轿喀擞呢骂错Public Health Career课件Public Health Career课件;愚丫丸淫祁岩赞裳啃镣渠蓝镑疯哩凡刊眉所勃份友蜀叮印氟据铬冠伙譬猛Public Health Career课件Public Health Career课件;绍电堵兴亮机臭漂伟邮佣墟召报煞弄瞪英糖矣风模竞新碑财甫瞧衅姓煎写Public Health Career课件Public Health Career课件;January 1st, 2007;Then ASAP;PH Training Opportunities (1);PH Training Oppor


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