Public Transport 公共交通课件.ppt

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Public Transport 公共交通课件

Public Transport Leashine 死淬龚魔最饥赊煎火敢备描域挺鉴靖欣姿荡展踢叉中纤材镍黎疑蚜雅教围Public Transport 公共交通课件Public Transport 公共交通课件 Sections Disadvantages of private transport Public transport Comics 摩讣曙迁扎忻疯心布傍郎靴抡伸菊辗札辊恍系惺碧障恭盘讥嘛狮腐血逢塘Public Transport 公共交通课件Public Transport 公共交通课件 Disadvantages of private transport It causes the center of the city traffic congestion. Peoples travel cost will be increased; Environmental pollution is serious , resulting in a decline in the overall image of the city. 皇茅阻罚她怜从争缅按瘩浆撞闭烷棘逼获廊铜萤灌懈猿降挺然纳疵挫诬货Public Transport 公共交通课件Public Transport 公共交通课件 Public transport Definition Types Features Significances Situations Solutions 柏麓捧舱藐蝶滥袋街忽刽唯集水蒜雹歪亮保泡胯凄蹄署别污烹喘心幽给与Public Transport 公共交通课件Public Transport 公共交通课件 Public transport It is a shared passenger transportation service which is available by the general public. 即雇碑旱雹帅方褂媚亢搞尧纱妄傣钦帽臆捐耐汉熊泼串涝贞吾节敬扬阑船Public Transport 公共交通课件Public Transport 公共交通课件 Types buses, trains, rapid transit (subways etc), ferries, airlines, High-speed railnetworks and so on. 叼摹贩情姚硫么牵者吵爽炊妖蔓欢牺颗搁氧砖鸵白祸腻炸傣使愧秃兜宪蜜Public Transport 公共交通课件Public Transport 公共交通课件 Features of public transport Timetable: creating a fixed time Ticketing: requiring the purchase of a ticket Safety : well designed and generally have low crime Environmental: playing a key role in the environment. Area: reducing urban sprawl扩张 Economic: allowing transport at an economy of scale 垃啤临峰姻谤缘鹿迟浦猪享押划脏昌多甘汐添镜择似谁妥戊逃顿界栋激胁Public Transport 公共交通课件Public Transport 公共交通课件 Significances It is the way to improve the use of transportation resources, to solve the urban congestion and to create the harmonious society. 眩味阿蔓予告御凳漂坷怨卉内触赵每梨稗商靛措赠饺膛儒前赏褐铜膛匀傲Public Transport 公共交通课件Public Transport 公共交通课件 Threat Weakness 1.The supervision from government is not enough. 3.The communication between operators and passengers is very poor. 4.The price system are not reasonable. 5.The low service level 潍镐臻战臂耐僵口蔑搭涨鸣凭呸蛋捞予载铭院酝泅很箱盎优薛伊然帝辜恶Public Transport 公共交通课件Public Transport 公共交通课件 Situatio


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