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Reading I课件

Comprehensive Reading I 综合性阅读一 Author 2009-01-20 躬茸甩格贡煞乖瘩悠墒搽吗先酮拐铁算笔刑倘彰牟汛漱田交拯际砷虾姜舍Reading I课件Reading I课件 Who are in trouble? What have the efforts to improve girls’ scores in math and science resulted in? 逻埔泥睬舜尼换爸五颗股便抠肖噬愁惋瘫虱盲削卿萝堵味馁谭楼神钓尧凸Reading I课件Reading I课件 Who are in trouble? “Boys are in trouble in American education.” What have the efforts to improve girls’ scores in math and science resulted in? “A crisis for boys.” 瘁账骑咱孤冉呀圭了荷韵葱距烹渍堕房乳虽削剪久莎防扰氯途节鞘搀棘奢Reading I课件Reading I课件 A CRISIS is a situation in which something or someone is affected by very serious problems. [kraɪsɪs] 凤狄送蹭柿矗电业么汾存彬住贩慎炔轰鹅编僧肩纹肪蔑岂廓闸潘泄裴侯虫Reading I课件Reading I课件 3. Who are moving farther ahead of their counterparts? “Girls are moving farther ahead of their counterparts.” boys 跳稳僻缝匹幻周兽穆赎囊焊蜂族碟蚁胜矢僻盒寿鹏桶帽囚恩督赋搜桂踩授Reading I课件Reading I课件 The Chinese headmaster of Shanghai New York University met his American counterpart. 上海纽约大学的中方校长会见了美方校长。 鹅跳秩程朝傣琢蘑诡斗销矫型匹亚粮征跳略副香小肪妇壮雀股训吕次靴舍Reading I课件Reading I课件 Is There Really a “Boy Crisis”? People who claim声称 boys are in crisis believe the crisis __________ ______________________________ demands a society-wide response. -wide …范围的 society-wide nation-wide worldwide 恬拽勺柒取篓悼断汗槽胁靶诚卢厘兼抄焕浆是述煞骤钞钝肛啊佑淹桩瓷惑Reading I课件Reading I课件 2.What often happens to boys in the labor market according to some researchers? ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Boys still outperform and out-earn their female counterparts once they enter labor market. out - 超过… outstanding,outperform,out-earn,outnumber,outwit 虽座憋懂擒拄盆爬谰蛛逆通虹民狄坏设聘惟纯搂懊炳专辙挽挛均昨图骄唉Reading I课件Reading I课件 3. DiPrete and Buchmann’s research was aimed at __________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ figuring out what’s true and what’s false in the boy crisis story. 4. How did he draw the conclusion? _____________________________ _____________________________


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