Recent progress in the theory of Anderson localization课件.ppt

Recent progress in the theory of Anderson localization课件.ppt

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Recent progress in the theory of Anderson localization课件

Recent progress in the theory of Anderson localization;Anderson localization;Introduction New universality classes Scaling approach in 1D 2D (symplectic class);A non-interacting electron moving in random potential;Scaling theory (gang of four, 1979);anti-localization;Anderson metal-insulator transition is a continuous quantum phase transition driven by disorder;Conductance is a random variable.;Introduction New universality classes Scaling approach in 1D 2D (mostly symplectic class);New universality classes (1) BdG;Class CI: Disordered d-wave superconductors;New universality classes (2) chiral;1D random-hopping model;Introduction New universality classes Scaling approach in 1D (functional RG) 2D (mostly symplectic class);Random-matrix approach to transport in quasi-1D wires;“time” evolution of motion of “particles”;Diffusion equation for “particles” = Fokker-Planck equation (DMPK equation);Diffusion equation for “particles” = Fokker-Planck equation (DMPK equation);Chiral universality classes;BdG universality classes;Alternative approach: 1D (supersymmetric) non-linear sigma model;Symplectic universality class;Symplectic universality class;Introduction New universality classes Scaling approach in 1D 2D (attempt to understand symplectic class);Anderson transitions are continuous phase transitions driven by disorder.;Q: What kind of CFTs describe the disordered critical points in 2D?;Multifractality: scaling behavior of moments of (critical) wave functions;To examine the presence of conformal invariance,;Surface multifractality (Subramaniam et al., 2006);Surface critical phenomena in conventional phase transitions;Multifractality field theory (Duplantier Ludwig, 1991);疯茫逼姓瘦崖祥跺甩霸计选言艾琐误趟黍督忘乌府铲挂鸥程粘奠酝沸苦诣Recent progress in the theory of Anderson localization课件Recent progress in the theory of Anderson localization课件;饮煽唇颇鸡镶封蒸嘉鞘芯昭简这锤迁退邯祸炼虽扼克榷沤扶橙罩艾胺掘骇Recent progress in the theory of Anderson localization课件Recent progress in the theory of Anderson localization课件


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