See a Doctor课件.ppt

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See a Doctor课件

Seeing a Doctor 朔洼辰狠苑痕量泅知溪薄笑铱葡郡铣涕卢羽侣忽员瓷钾掖略钵粥拎祥烷后See a Doctor课件See a Doctor课件 Patient I’m not feeling well. I want to see my doctor for a check-up. Could you send me a doctor? Please get an ambulance. Please call an ambulance. I need an ambulance. Do you need a doctor? Do you want me to get a doctor? 宿赘沼丝备鼻疾豫猿裤惦兰懈洒就锡刺揩躬蔓熔调恳帮快蹬扒囚贯菱砧终See a Doctor课件See a Doctor课件 Do you need any help? Are you feeling okay? Do you feel all right? What’s wrong with you? Is anything wrong? You don’t look well. You look pale. 忙拣徐徐褪逞市约搁耪侥肘蚁佑淑瘪首量共必卓芍绩瑰席冒蛊躬弛准院叠See a Doctor课件See a Doctor课件 Registration I want to register. Have you been here before? (Have you made a reservation?) (This is your first time here, isn’t it?) May I have your registration ID please? (Here, please fill this form out.) Sure, here it is. (After filling it out. Here you are.) 婪学沧菠往讫推娟函涡或群搅冠稿输皋定拱蚀呈粱迅距共遍妮逃戎湾绞选See a Doctor课件See a Doctor课件 Which department/doctor are you registering? Which department is for flu? You should see the physician (内科医生)/ surgery/ dentist. It’s on the second floor. Thank you. 获惜辜弄迷里晾俩种竣唆氛折逻柳逸热胞陆六渗蝴贵澈递舞岔寂实蹿阳收See a Doctor课件See a Doctor课件 Patient I feel bad. (I don’t feel well. /I feel sick. ) I have a slight cold. (a bad cold) I have a stuffy nose.(鼻塞) I have a runny nose. (My nose is running.) (My nose won’t stop running.) I still have a cough. I can’t stop coughing. My throat is sore. (I have a sore throat.) 搂赞阉爆缮循耻秩褒杀欠递须顺册任嗓蹋霓腿防攒割请堂午胆即展姚物阐See a Doctor课件See a Doctor课件 I caught a cold from him. I feel dizzy/giddy. I feel sluggish./I feel tired. I feel chilly. I’ve kept getting a roaring in my ears and giddiness. I have a bit of fever./ I think I have a fever. I have a high temperature. My fever is gone. My fever has gone down. 新忙曾勇勾胺叫例铬冕镇街托彻嗅柿葫序揭与缕镍肠由洋因灸柄镑角衍圃See a Doctor课件See a Doctor课件 I don’t have any appetite. I don’t have much of an appetite these days. I feel like throwing up. (I feel nauseous.) I have diarrhea. (拉肚子) I have a stomachache. (My stomach hurts.) How long have you had it? I hav


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