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SigmaPlot? 9.0;? EndNote 9.0 ? ReferenceManager 11 ? ProCite 5 ;? ?;Introduction;Install SigmaPlot;SigmaPlot Basics;Using Toolbars;;Viewing Toolbars;Setting Program Options;SigmaPlot Help FAQs;Notebook Manager;Worksheet;Freeze panes;Going to a Cell;Import Text Dialog Box;Descriptive Statistics for Worksheets;Formatting Worksheets;Column Row Titles;Creating a graph using the graph wizard;Arranging data for 2D plots;Arranging data;Arranging data for 3D graph;The graph style gallery;Modifying graphs;Add, delete, hide show plots;Setting page options;Exporting graphs pages;Printing graph pages;Selecting page objects;Zooming in and out;Cut, copy and paste graphs and objects;Drawing objects on the page;Automatic legends;Lesson 1;Create the bar chart;Modifying the bar chart;Change line color;Editing text;Changing font globally;Removing axis line;Resizing the graph;Using the graph properties;Changing bar widths;Using graph and page templates;Create a graph from a gallery;Create a graph from a gallery;Using page templates;Lesson 2;Create new notebook;;Change the color scheme;Change the view;Lesson 3;Importing data from Excel;Creating an error bar plot;Adding a second plot;Picking data for the second plot;Modifying the overlaid plots;Modifying the overlaid plots;Change bar widths and alignments;Adding a table;Adding a tables, in Excel;Importing other figures;Insert resizing clip art;Producing graphic files;Setting the graph file properties;Web publishing;Web publishing;View a web graph;Lesson 4;Import new Excel file;Simple Scatter – Error Bar;Running a simple curve fit;Saving the result to a report;Viewing the regression results;The plot equation dialog box;Solve for y from the b parameter;Plot the b coefficient;Add new simple scatter plot;Select data for new plot;Adding drop lines;Adding a reference line;Copy the value for the first parameter;Adding a reference line;Lesson 5;Using worksheet functions;Using the Functions palette;Computing statistics in cells;Computing sta


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