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section two课件

? Section Two American People;I. Major racial and ethnic groups; ·struggle for equality and more self-determination ·most desperate(艰难的) and deprived(被剥夺的) minority(少数民族) ·300 reservations, living conditions substandard(不够标准的) ·unemployment rate is high, 1/3 below the official poverty line ·life expectancy is ten years below that of the nation as a whole. ;2. WASPs: (first colonial people) ;·1620. Pilgrim Fathers, sailed from England in the Mayflower, landed of Plymouth, Massachusetts, hoped for freedom to practice Puritanism. ·indentured servants(契约奴) ·criminals, try their luck instead of serving their terms in prison. ;3、Other Whites: ;;;John F.Kennedy (1917-1963);Ronald Wilson Reagan (1911-2004);4. Blacks ;·sold at public auction, work on plantations(种植园) in the south ·1808, the law forbidding the import of slaves went into effect . ·a war was fought for it ·1863, Lincoln issued the famous Emancipation Proclamation(解放黑奴宣言 ) ·1865, Thirteenth Amendment(修正) outlawed(非法的) slavery in U.S. ·equality was not achieved, prejudice, discrimination, persecution persisted . ;“Jim Crow” laws(吉姆·克劳法)passed, legalizing(合法化) segregation(种族隔离) in hotels, restaurants, schools ,parks and other public facilities. Segregation for more than half a century, 1954, the supreme court( 最高法院)ruled segregated schools were“inherently unequal”(天生不平等), ordered nationwide school desegregation. 1960s, Civil Rights Movement recent immigrants from West Indies and Africa, small proportion, surpassed(超过) the living standards of the native blacks.? ;Barack Hussein Obama II ;·the Spanish-speaking immigrants from Latin America. ·1995, 27million, about 10.3% of the total American population. ·2000, 30~35million, 11~12% will outnumber blacks to become the largest minority in America. ·the majority are Mexican origin, in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Colorado, illegal/legal immigrants from Mexico. ;·cheap labor, immigration encouraged, conditions worsened, deported(驱逐出境) back. Their average f


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