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SA8000:2008 Training;01版过渡到08版的变更点 What has changed? 2001 to 2008; SA8000:2008 Third Edition 第三版 The nine social accountability requirements remain the same 九大章全部保留 No additional sections have been added. 没有新篇章增加 No existing ones have been removed. 现有篇章没有取消。 Retains the spirit and intent of 2001 version, but adds more clarity, strength, and flexibility. 保持2001版的精神和内容,但是更加清晰、有力和适用。; Goals of Standard Redrafting 版本修订的目的和过程 Do not weaken SA8000, mainly clarify 条款说明更清楚 Better align SA8000 to ILO conventions 更好的与国际公约接轨 Draw on ISO principles , but clearly set minimums for labor rights as defined by international norms. 坚持ISO的原则,清楚界定国际公约中对劳动者权利的最低要求。; SA8000 Guidance Document 指导文件 Provide clarification of SA8000 standard clause 澄清SA8000标准条款 Provide common reference for SA8000 standard compliance 提供SA8000标准符合性的一般参考 Facilitates SA8000 standard interpretation for auditors and clients intent on accreditation and certification 使得审核员和意图取得认证的客户在SA8000标准解释上取得一致。 ;New;New;More New Definition 增加新的定义;New;More New Definition 增加新的定义;Interpretation of SA8000 SA8000条款解释;No Children to work in hazardous conditions 没有儿童在危险条件下工作;Child labor 童工 --- Criteria 准则;Child labor 童工 --- Criteria 准则;Child labor 童工 --- Summary 小结;Interpretation of SA8000 SA8000条款解释;Forced and compulsory labor 强迫和强制性劳动 --- Criteria 准则;Forced and compulsory labor 强迫和强制性劳动 --- Criteria 准则;Forced and compulsory labor 强迫和强制性劳动 --- Summary 小结;Interpretation of SA8000 SA8000条款解释;Health and Safety 健康与安全 --- Criteria 准则;Health and Safety 健康与安全 --- Criteria 准则;Health and Safety 健康与安全 --- Criteria 准则;Health and Safety 健康与安全 --- Criteria 准则;Health and Safety 健康与安全 --- Summary 小结;Interpretation of SA8000 SA8000条款解释;Freedom of association Right to collective bargaining 自由结社及集体谈判权利--- Criteria 准则;Freedom of association Right to collective bargaining 自由结社及集体谈判权利--- Criteria 准则;Freedom of association Right to collective bargaining 自由结社及集体谈判权利--- Summary 小结;Interpretation of SA8000 SA8000条款解释


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