Unit 7 postmortem with strings课件.ppt

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Unit 7 postmortem with strings课件

Unit 7 postmortem with strings; 1. consign vt. Consign sb./sth.to sth. Means put sb./sth. somewhere in order to get rid of them.把什么置于,把什么交给 E.g. It was time to consign his bat and glove to the cupboard. 该把他的球棒和手套搁进柜子里了 C. was kept in keep sb. in means to make sb. stay indoors in a particular place.使某人留在室内(某地) E.g. put sb. Into a restrict place. D. was thrown into throw oneself /sth. Into sth. means to begin to do sth. with energy and enthusiasm 投身于,热衷于 E.g. I throw myself into homework. 2. celebrity noun 1).A famous person 名人,名流 E.g. TV celebrities 电视名流 2).the state of being famous 名誉,名望 B. notorious adj. ~(for sth./for doing sth.) Means Well known for being bad 臭名昭著的 E.g. a notorious criminal ; 3.delirious adj. 1).In an excited state and not able to think or speak clearly 及其亢奋的,精神错乱的,语无伦次的 E.g. He became delirious and couldn’t recognize us. 2).Extremely excited and happy极度亢奋的特别愉悦的 E.g. She was delirious with joy. c. insane adj. 1). Means seriously mental ill and unable to live in normal society . E.g. Doctors certified him an insane.医生证明他精神失常。 4.ascribe vt. 1). Ascribe sth. to sb/sth. Means to consider that something is caused by a particular person or thing 把……归因于,认为……由于 E.g. He ascribe his failure to the bad luck. 5.sinister adj. 1). Seeing evil or dangerous; making you think sth. bad will happen.邪恶的,阴险的 E.g. There was something cold and sinister about him. ;6.Sketches noun verb 1).a simple picture that is drawn quickly and does not have details.描画,速写 2).To make quick drawing of sb./sth.画素描,画速写 E.g. He sketched the beautiful view of window. a. depict vt. 1). To describe something, especially in writing or pictures. 7.demise noun 1). Formal the end of something that used to exist. 曾经存在的某物终止,结束 2). Formal or law death E.g. the sad demise of the local newspaper .令人惋惜的地方停刊 B. symptom noun 1) .A physical condition which shows that you have a particular illness 症状 C. diag


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