Unit 7 还盘课件.ppt

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Unit 7 还盘课件

;When a buyer rejects a quotation or other offer, he should thank the seller for his trouble and explain the reason for rejection. Fail to do so would show a lack of courtesy. The expression of rejection should cover the following points. It should: Thank the seller for his offer. Express regret at inability to accept. Make a counter-offer if, in the circumstances, it is appropriate. Suggest other opportunities to do business together. ;3 steps of a business negotiation.;;New Words and Phrases: Market wholesale price: 市场批发价 Essential: 绝对必要的,必不可少的 Exceptionally: 格外的,特殊的 In view of: 鉴于 Boast: 引以为荣 Push sales: 推销 Allowance on a sliding scale: 按比例增减的优惠 Underquote: 开价低于市场价 Dealer: 经销商 Prevailing market level: 市场价,行价 Rock-bottom price: 最低价;Dialogue 1 Discounts on Price Mr. Blake: Hello, Jack. We find the quality of your samples are well up to the standard and suitable for our requirement. However, the price you’ve quoted is higher than the market wholesale price in America. I suppose that a reasonable discount is essential for sale in the market. Mr. Chen: We usually don’t reduce the price unless it’s an exceptinally large order. Mr. Blake: So do you mean that if we increase our order you’ll reduce the price? Mr. Chen: We are wiling to give you a 2% discount on our list price if you order over 1,000 sets of GPS. Mr. Blake: As a matter of fact, good price keeps good business. So is there a possibility for us to get some discount? Mr. Chen: Well, this is the best we can do. To be frank, in view of our long business relationship, we will still give you 2% discount even though you just order 500 sets. Mr. Blake: Ok, that sounds all right.;Dialogue 2 Negotiation on the Offer Mr. Blake: Hello, Jack. I’m coming for the offer. Mr. Chen: Oh, yes. Patrick, we have the offer ready for you. Here it is, 500 sets of Model AS-090, at US$196.00 per set, CIF New York, for shipment during October, 2008. Other terms and conditions remain the same as usual. The offer is valid for 15 days.


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