unit 7 fashion and beauty课件.ppt

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unit 7 fashion and beauty课件

前景实用英语;Unit 7 Fashion and Beauty;;Task 2;Part A Lead in;Part A Lead in;Part A Lead in;Part A Lead in;Part A Lead in;Part A Lead in;Part A Text;Part A Text;Part A Text;Part A Text;Part A Text;Part A Text;Part A Text Translation;Part A Text Translation;Part A Text Translation;Part A Text Translation;Part A Text Translation;Part A Text Translation;Task 2; ;Task 2 Identify the key words or main ideas of the following paragraphs.;Task 3 Fill in the puzzle spaces with the words from Text A according to the explanations given below.;Task 4 Complete the following sentences with the words from Task 3. Change the word forms if necessary. 1. I wish I had a more confident __________. 2. Her appearance had left on me an impression of high-born _____. 3. He equals me in strength but not in ______. 4. The athlete has a powerful ______. 5. I have this _____ of you as always being cheerful.;Task 4 Complete the following sentences with the words from Task 3. Change the word forms if necessary. 6. Price is determined through the ___________ of demand and supply. 7. The baby is ________ and very cute. 8. An experiment was made to check up on the reliability of the ______. 9. We ________ every customer as a partner. 10. It is difficult to _________ what makes him so popular.; 1. She likes her clothes to be simple but _________. 2. There is no agreed _________of what happiness is. 3. Though very_________, she is rather modest and hardworking. 4. It is not a good manner to ask _________questions. 5. The competition attracted over 500 college students ___________ 8 different countries.;Task 6 Rewrite the following sentences after the models. 1. If I know where he lives, I shall send a note to him. 2. If she wasn’t ill, she would not be absent from school yesterday. 3. If she comes tomorrow, she will meet my brother.;Task 6 Rewrite the following sentences after the models. 1. We’ll


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