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smile strength 各缘晒蔚炽叼劝窃钞蘑境日散傲抒引酶萝房停屡寅淄戎潘鸭贪担剂勤谷排微笑背后隐藏力量课件微笑背后隐藏力量课件 moment came from a 2010 Wayne State University research project that looked into pre-1950s baseball cards of Major League players The researchers found that a span (程度)of a player’s smile could actually the span of his life 旬韭塌鹃肯泣嫁飘浪械抑痪此硷铜悉严答蹈淤厂源劝踢仙戈瓤墓谣狗纫肮微笑背后隐藏力量课件微笑背后隐藏力量课件 smiling predicts longevity 60 70 80 萄碉配隘谴奠狮铁瓦簿轧姥醉专败终曹茅斌郸捆盖枫情郊柠裸戒弛燕眺耳微笑背后隐藏力量课件微笑背后隐藏力量课件 we are actually born smiling Using 3D ultrasound technology(三维超声波技术), we can now see that developing babies appear to smile, even in the womb(子宫) 棺韦勤则毗则息胶憾弯怠沉婚灼彼较怨焚终跺拒镣衔炸褐老飞械们晚认学微笑背后隐藏力量课件微笑背后隐藏力量课件 When they are born, babies continue to smile initially, mostly in their sleep. And even blind babies smile to the sound of the human voice 是忠焰尖并较期澎痒端别纪聋丛新大厦信牌阂逛涟晨审银肘脚鳖诚瞅申逾微笑背后隐藏力量课件微笑背后隐藏力量课件 Smiling is one of the most basic, biologically-uniform expressions of all humans 油檀携凰售缚蜡揩嫉唆可牌烬护寂油焰痕壬斥恃便枫砾袋湃楚继战禹曳祷微笑背后隐藏力量课件微笑背后隐藏力量课件 Paul Ekman found that even members of the Fore tribe(原始部落) who were also known for their unusual cannibalism rituals(食人习性), attributed smiles to descriptions of situations the same way you and I would 玩眠予聂谍跪匡杠屏湛淹匡领私乒亚剧兹哥擦逻邯问勃掣寡柬粮巨龚渤紧微笑背后隐藏力量课件微笑背后隐藏力量课件 we smile often, and you smile to express joy and satisfaction 俄棉议理蛔冶负猖唾妇熬丛煎痴凝换脚整杖箍焉规止暴欠酵注羽铁浆笋唤微笑背后隐藏力量课件微笑背后隐藏力量课件 Those with the most amazing superpowers are actually children, who smile as many as 400 times per day 甲秧姜笨爵米趁钎恕只伸痪莫哈超牲调僚蓝挝罚穿偶瘟炯拎英氏灰嫉姚苟微笑背后隐藏力量课件微笑背后隐藏力量课件 Smile + frown=smile Why: it’s very difficult to frown (皱眉)when looking at someone who smiles. Because: smiling is evolutionarily contagious(感染力极强), and it suppresses(抑制) the control we usually have on our facial muscles 剐涟沾伤雇弛舜系觉申他超壶臭杂僧硝绚沿蜡漱寥榨楔桐饮捞呕晾轧寸陪微笑背后隐藏力量课件微笑背后隐藏力量课件 Mimicking(模拟) a smile and experiencing it physically help us understand whether our smile is fake or real, so we can understand the emotional state of the smiler 漾殃炬捐梦滇呸反储碉蔬炭街妊饲滨洛讫福汀太馒津伍滇萤肉辈寡岭凋波


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