本科毕业设计 无线智能报警系统.doc

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本科毕业设计 无线智能报警系统

本科生毕业设计(论文) 无线智能报警系统 摘 要 本设计主要由红外探测信号编码发射电路、无线接收解码电路、单片机控制电路、数码管显示电路、遥控电路安装和配置容易成本低能量消耗使用方便Intelligent Wireless Burglar Alarm System GAO Yan-nan Abstract This design is mainly composed of infrared detection signal encoding transmitting circuit, wireless receiving decoding circuit, single-chip microcomputer control circuit, digital tube display circuit, control circuit, alarm circuit and power circuit. The principle of the alarm is that the i-nfrared thermal radiation of the invaders is inducted by the pyroelectric infrared sensor, and th-en, the sensor convert them to ultra-low frequency signal after amplification circuit and output. Detector is using infrared human detection probe detection of predefined scope, it will send si-gnal to the host when it’s in the dangerous situation. The hosts main function is receiving the signal by the wireless, and then a sign of danger is shown on the digital tube and at the sam-e time issued a warning sound after the single chip processing. The alarm system is a low rat-e of false positives, easy installation and configuration, low cost, less energy consumption, eas-y to use features. It can be used in warehouse, anti-theft, home security and other security envi-ronment. Therefore, it gets the good market prospect and using value. Key Words: Singlechip; Wireless; Alarm; Anti-theft; Intelligent system 目 录 1.绪论 1 1.1课题背景 1 1.2 无线智能报警器工作的原理 1 1.3 无线红外防盗报警器的分类及其介绍 1 1.3.1主动红外报警器 1 1.3.2被动红外报警器 2 1.4设计无线红外防盗报警系统的内容和意义 2 2.系统方案论证 2 2.1 方案比较 2 2.2 方案选择 4 2.3 主要器件介绍 4 2.3.1 315m 无线发射接收模块 4 2.3.2 编码芯片SC2262 5 2.3.3 HC-SR501 5 3.硬件电路的设计 6 3.1 无线红外防盗报警系统的硬件组成 6 3.2 系统硬件结构图及其工作原理 6 3.2.1 遥控器电路 6 3.2.2 红外探测无线编码发射电路 7 3.3.3 接收解码主机控制电路 7 3.4多路无线防盗报警器的硬件设计 7 3.4.1 电源设计 7 3.4.2 发射电路设计 8 3.4.3 接收电路设计 9 3.4.4 控制、显示电路设计 10 4.软件的设计 12 4.1程序流程图 12 4.2 C语言程序设计 13 4.2.1 控制程序设计 13 4.2.2 定时器程序设计 14 5.系统调试 15 5.1 硬件调试 15 5.2 软


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