
浅谈转向轮定位的静态检测 汽车类专业论文(Static inspection of steering wheel positioning).doc

浅谈转向轮定位的静态检测 汽车类专业论文(Static inspection of steering wheel positioning).doc

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浅谈转向轮定位的静态检测 汽车类专业论文(Static inspection of steering wheel positioning)

浅谈转向轮定位的静态检测 汽车类专业论文(Static inspection of steering wheel positioning) Talking about the static test of steering wheel positioning,.Txt, a carton of cigarettes, a computer, a day, a bottle of wine, a set of beans, a night. Never carry a womans little temper, women can never withstand the sweet words of men. This paper consists of 18 small farmers with the world DOC documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you first select TXT, or download the source file to the local view. Static detection of steering wheel positioning In the process of automobile use, the steering mechanism, axle, frame deformation and wear The wheel positioning will gradually misalignment, the wheel rolling resistance increases, vehicle power decreased, fuel consumption increased; in addition, the resulting tire abnormal wear also reduces the fuel economy. Therefore, to use the real-time vehicle steering wheel positioning detection, and adjusted according to the test results and to guarantee its performance. This paper introduces the personal viewpoint of steering wheel positioning parameters of static detection, and its detection principle. Keywords static detection of steering wheel position adjustment measure the steering wheel positioning refers to the automobile case, turn on the vehicle with measuring instrument To measure the geometric parameters of wheel positioning, on the basis of detection is directly related to the steering rotation plane orientation angle. The commonly used positioning instrument cable, optical cable, computer and computer laser type four, which is consistent with the measurement principle, measurement method is only used (type or use sensor) and data recording and transmission in different ways, here only introduce the measuring principle of several important test items by four wheel alignment measurement. The angle of caster in vehicle longitudinal vertical plane kingpin axis and through the center of the front wheel is vertical


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