浙大《经济法实务》在线作业一(Zhejiang University, economic law practice online homework).doc

浙大《经济法实务》在线作业一(Zhejiang University, economic law practice online homework).doc

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浙大《经济法实务》在线作业一(Zhejiang University, economic law practice online homework)

浙大《经济法实务》在线作业一(Zhejiang University, economic law practice online homework) 14 spring, 13 autumn, 13 spring, Zhejiang University, economic law practice online homework, answer 1 Total score: 100 test time: - Radio examination A multiple-choice question Judgment question Radio examination questions (20 questions, 40 points) 1., a batch of goods stored in the warehouse of B, when a delivery, found missing part of the goods. The period of limitation of action for the civil rights of a claim to B is () A. 6 months B. 1 years C. 2 years D. 20 years Full marks: 2 2. contracted an apple orchard and collected 500 kilograms of apples from the apple tree. The acquisition of the ownership of an apple belongs to () A. bona fide acquisition B. malicious acquisition C. succeeding D. raw acquisition Full marks: 2 3. lawsuits arising from disputes over real property shall be governed by () the peoples courts. A. residence of the plaintiff B. defendant domicile The location of the subject of the C. D. location of real estate Full marks: 2 4. in accordance with the provisions of the laws of China, the following property shall be in common and shall be () A. common property of husband and wife B. family common property C. A and B invested 30 thousand yuan and 40 thousand yuan jointly purchased property D. inheritance property Full marks: 2 5. the twenty-eighth stipulation of the contract law stipulates that if the offeree delivers a promise beyond the time limit for acceptance, he shall, in addition to the offerors timely notification to the offeree, that the acceptance is valid, (. A. is a new offer B. is the original offer C. as a new commitment D. neither offers nor promises Full marks: 2 6. broker Wang introduced match, a factory and B company signed a contract, make a deal. A factory through the bank account, in Wangs personal credit card account to import 10 thousand yuan as a reward. The nature of the act belongs to () A. discount B. rebate C. Commission D. commercial bribery Fu



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