老年高血压病的治疗与护理(Treatment and nursing of senile hypertension).doc

老年高血压病的治疗与护理(Treatment and nursing of senile hypertension).doc

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老年高血压病的治疗与护理(Treatment and nursing of senile hypertension)

老年高血压病的治疗与护理(Treatment and nursing of senile hypertension) Guidelines for nursing nurses papers: treatment and nursing of elderly patients with hypertension Chinese examination network () [large, medium and small] [July 2, 2010] - [Abstract] Objective To explore the nursing care of elderly patients with hypertension. Methods diet, exercise, psychology, application of medicine and health education were carried out on 189 patients. Results the blood pressure of the patients was well controlled. Conclusions careful nursing and effective treatment are the key to reduce or delay hypertension complications. Keywords old people; hypertension; nursing; Hypertension is a disease with high morbidity, high complication rate and high disability rate, which seriously threatens peoples health and quality of life. Effective control of hypertension, and help patients correctly understand the treatment of hypertension knowledge, to reduce and avoid patients with important organs damage is of great significance. Our department from 2006 to 2007 treated 189 patients with hypertension, through the effective treatment and care of patients, and achieved good results. 1 clinical information There were 189 cases in this group, including 109 males and 80 females. The oldest was 93 years old, the youngest was 60 years old. There were 41 cases of combined cerebral infarction, 2 cases of cerebral hemorrhage, 46 cases of coronary heart disease, and 5 cases of renal failure. After active treatment and careful nursing, the patient has good blood pressure control. 2 nursing 2.1 ensure the rest and sleep to avoid fatigue, promote proper sports activities, especially in patients with mild hypertension on heart rate too fast, for aerobic exercise is better, such as cycling, jogging, gymnastics and Tai Chi, but need to pay attention to rest, avoid strenuous activity long time, proper use of tranquilizers dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system can. Patients with severe hypertension should be kept



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