音频功放的主要参数(Main parameters of audio power amplifier).doc

音频功放的主要参数(Main parameters of audio power amplifier).doc

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音频功放的主要参数(Main parameters of audio power amplifier)

音频功放的主要参数(Main parameters of audio power amplifier) Main parameters of audio power amplifier The main performance indexes of audio frequency power amplifier include output power, frequency response, distortion, signal to noise ratio, output impedance, damping coefficient, etc.. output power Output power: the unit is W, because each manufacturers measuring method is not the same, so some different names have appeared. For example, rated output power, maximum output power, music output power, peak music output power. Music power Music power: when the output distortion does not exceed the specified value, the audio amplifier gives the instantaneous maximum output power to the music signal. peak power Peak power: refers to the maximum audio power amplifier output when the audio amplifier volume is the maximum under undistorted conditions. Rated output power Rated output power: the average output power when harmonic distortion is 10[%]. Also called maximum useful power. Generally speaking, the peak power is large audio amplifier Music power, music power is greater than the rated power, generally speaking, the peak power is 5--8 times the rated power. frequency response Frequency response: represents the frequency range of the audio power amplifier and the nonuniformity within the frequency range. The straightness of the frequency response curve is generally expressed in decibels [db]. Home HI-FI audio amplifier frequency response is generally 20Hz--20KHZ plus or minus 1db., the wider the scope of the better. Some of the best audio power amplifier frequency response has been 0--100KHZ. Distortion Distortion: the ideal audio power amplifier should be the input signal amplification, without changing the faithful restore. However, due to various reasons, the signals amplified by the audio power amplifier often produce different levels of distortion when compared with the input signals. This distortion is distortion. As a percentage, the smaller the better. The total distorti



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