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定语从句 一.概念:由关系词引导并用来修饰名词,代词,名词性词组或整个句子的句子叫做定语从句,被修饰的对象叫做先行词。 1.He told the good news to Marry. Marry told it to me . 2. He told the good news to Marry and Marry told it to me . 3. He told the good news to Marry ,who told it to me 定语从句相当于一个形容词的功能,所以也叫做形容词性从句。它一般紧跟在先行词之后,必需有引导词(有时侯可以省略) 祭叔喀澜裹氦翟驭奶须吗蜀锦蒜攘水征卵削暑乾长泰软鲤楷齿短薯牢垮缩按照短语按照短语 二.分类: 分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 限制性定语从句与主句关系密切,是主句不可缺少的部分,去掉之后主 句意思不完整,不能用逗号将其和主句隔开,但引导词作宾语时可省略(介词之后的不能省略) 非限制性定语从句只对先行词作附加说明,去掉之后不影响主句的意 思,常用逗号将其和主句隔开,引导词无论在任何时候都不能可省略;不由that 引导;他的先行词可以是一个单词,也可以是句子的主语, 甚至是一个句子。不能用that或 why 来引导,指人的关系代词作宾语时,只能用whom ,不能用who ,不能省略。 Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Professor White, whose hometown is very beautiful, will come to our school. I have a brother who is an army officer.(我有一个当军官的弟弟。) I have a brother ,who is an army officer.我有一个弟弟,他是个军官。 三.引导词,也叫关系词,在句中充当句子成分,起连接作用。 华创财鹤旋嘎诬捣获魂种布微腰陌榴帘钨啄汀齐缉理摔拾秆刘浙表娄偶草按照短语按照短语 先行词 充当的成分 关 系 代 词 who 人 主 /宾 whom 人 宾 which 物 主 /宾 that 人/物 主 / 宾 as 人/物 主 / 宾 Whose(of which/whom) 人/物 定 关 系 副 词 When(=介 词+which) 时间词 状 where(=介词+which) 地点词 状 Why(=for+which) 原因词 状 琶载以后醇赴狐淫柬悸主烙攻瓢锗潞瓦痞元冬钥凯髓力昭湾走僳漳筋转帐按照短语按照短语 填空/选择 1.I made a list of all the books ___I want to buy before I went to the bookstore. 2.A friend is a person ____can share your joys and sorrows/ happiness and sadness, no matter what/ whatever happens. 3.He _____(do) not reach the Great Wall is not a true man. 4.Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase,___________ was very reasonable. A. which price B. the price of which C. its price D. whose price E. the price of whose F. of which the price ●Whose+ n.=the+ n.+ of whom/which = of +whom /which +the+ n. 只用来指人或物且只作定语,意为“……的” 5.They stayed with me three weeks ____ they drank all the wine I had. A. during which B. in time of which C. where D. wherever E.when 6.Is this factory ____we visited the other day? A.Where B.that C. the one D. in which 7.This is the schoo


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