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Listen to the conversation between Ma Yan and Yu Lei about the 2010 World Cup and complete the note sheet. At the same time, pay enough attention to the some key words we have just talked about. Listen to the recording and complete the training schedule. making suggestions 1.When making suggestions, we usually try to use less direct ways of speaking to make the listener feel more comfortable. We often use these patterns: P34 2.Underline any suggestions. Step 2: designing a new daily routine First leaflet–-- training for athlete 1. How many hours should the athlete sleep every night? 2. How many hours should he or she train every day? Say something about white red and red meat. Do you know what meat is red meat? Red meat refers to meat that appears red before cooking. Beef, lamb, mutton, pork, goat, rabbit, kangaroo, buffalo meat and beefalo are all red meats. White meat refers to any light-colored meat, such as fish, seafood, and particularly poultry. However in a broader sense it includes any of the meats that are considered to be less fatty in comparison with red meats. Skills building 3: identifying/selecting relevant information identifying/selecting relevant information While reading or listening to English, we should identify which information deals with the task we are working on. Table Tennis now: Also called ping-pang, it is played throughout the world and is an Olympic sport. The origin of it: The exact origin of table tennis is not known. It began in England in the 1890s. Today, players from China, South Korea and Germany play leading roles in the international table tennis competitions. Step 3: writing a report about the history of a sport otherwise. otherwise 副词表示“否则”,表示以前句为条件下的相反假设,与连词or相当。 Put on more clothes before you go out at night, otherwise / or you’ll catch a cold. 【拓展】作副词“不同地;其它方式地”。 We were going to play football, but it was so hot that we decided to do otherwise. He is noisy, but otherwise a nice boy.


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