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摘要 随着世界经济的全球化,世界贸易壁垒的减少,大型零售企业都纷纷向国际市场进军,很多的世界零售巨头如沃尔玛、家乐福、麦德龙等均已经在跨国经营中取得的非常巨大的成功。目前以海外市场为目标的国际化经营已经成为当今零售企业造就有效的规模经济,向更高层次发展的重要途径之一。零售业的国际化发展正日渐成为零售领域的一个研究热点。我国的零售业目前是我国国内服务行业中最具有活力的行业之一。面对越来越紧迫的与跨国零售巨头进行同场竞争的形势,国内很多的零售企业正逐渐在激烈的国际竞争中发展与壮大。我国加入WTO后,随着中国零售业的全面开放,使得国内零售企业置身于更加严峻的考验之中。若在国际竞争格局中的中国零售企业,仍然被动地随波逐流,最终将会被淘汰出局。因此开展国际化经营,提升国际水平,打造国际竞争力,寻找国际化的最佳途径,成为零售企业求生存谋发展的战略选择。本文在通过分析我国零售业国际化发展的原因、现状及发展的可行性,找出存在的问题,并通过问题提出相应的对策。 关键词 零售企业;国际化;发展;对策 Abstract With the globalization of economy, the world trade barriers decreases, large retail enterprises in succession to the international market, and a lot of the world retail giants such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour, metro, etc are already in multinational management acquired in the very great success. It is with the overseas market is the goal of international business has become the most retail enterprise creating an effective scale economy, to a higher level one of the important ways. Retail internationalization development has become a very important issue in retailing research. Chinas retail sector is currently our domestic service industry in one of the most vigorous industry. Facing more and more urgent and transnational retail giant to present the situation of competition, many of domestic retail enterprise is gradually in the fierce international competition to develop and grow. Chinas accession to the WTO, with the opening up of Chinas retail business, make domestic retail enterprise involved in more severe tests in. If the structure of China in international competition retail enterprise, still passively drift, will eventually be forced out. So carrying out international operations, and improve the international level, make the international competitiveness, looking for the best way of internationalization, become retail enterprise survival seeks the development strategic choice. This paper in our countrys retail trade through the analysis of the development of the international situation and the development of the


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