2011四六级完形常考词组及固定搭配(2011, 46, cloze, regular phrases and fixed collocations).doc

2011四六级完形常考词组及固定搭配(2011, 46, cloze, regular phrases and fixed collocations).doc

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2011四六级完形常考词组及固定搭配(2011, 46, cloze, regular phrases and fixed collocations)

2011四六级完形常考词组及固定搭配(2011, 46, cloze, regular phrases and fixed collocations) 2011 grade 46 cloze test often phrases and fixed collocation 1 a host of 2 a test for detection 3 a test on Test 4 a test with detection method The most important of the 5 above all; According to to according 6 7 achieve equilibrium balance 8 achieve one s purpose to achieve the purpose. 9 achieve success success 10 achieve victory victory 11 act on in front of action on; 12 act of on... Influential 13 add up to total, total 14 add... To... To... . 15 adhere to to pursue; 16 after all after all, are not you; 17 agree of on come to an agreement 18 agree to agree 19 agree with sb. agree with sb. 20 along and with all together, and all together; 21 alternate (with) alternate; 22 amount to total, total; 23 An and equal to A person / thing, the same person (status) However, yet and 24 25 anything but is not a bit; 26 anything like like Things like that Anywhere near is close to 27 In addition to form apart 28 The other hand 29 apply to to Apply for 30 appreciation of of Enjoy / appreciate 31 argue against against 32 as a result as of The results of the 33 as a result (as a result, therefore) results, use a comma depends; 34 as a whole as a whole, as a whole 35 as far as... /are concerned For 36 as for for it... Said 37 as if as, as if 38 as soon as ~ ~ 39 as though as, as if 40 as to for a page; 41 as well, as 42 as yet so far, so far 43 aside from in front of outside; 44 associate... With... By Lenovo to The Link 45 Association and with The communication 46 at a disadvantage at a disadvantage 47 at a loss at a loss 48 at a time every time, one time 49 at all no, at all; 50 at any moment even if, at any time. 51 at first first, the beginning; 52 at large is not caught, most; 53 at last finally, finally; At least 54 at least 55 at length, in detail; 56 at up to most 57 at no time never, never 58 at one time once, once 59 at the cost to of The cost of At least 60 at the least 61 at times sometimes


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