2011国家公务员行测频率最高近义词填空(2011, civil servants run the highest frequency synonyms fill in the blanks).doc

2011国家公务员行测频率最高近义词填空(2011, civil servants run the highest frequency synonyms fill in the blanks).doc

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2011国家公务员行测频率最高近义词填空(2011, civil servants run the highest frequency synonyms fill in the blanks)

2011国家公务员行测频率最高近义词填空(2011, civil servants run the highest frequency synonyms fill in the blanks) Verbal comprehension and expression of multiple-choice questions often test questions are: high frequency words and fill in the blanks, synonym idioms. Among them, fill in the blanks of synonyms is the core question, is also the focus of the study. To do a good job in the synonym must do three basic work: 1. synonyms accumulation. To choose the words, we must accurately grasp the meaning of the words, after analyzing the meaning of degree, size, emotional judgment, candidates can make the right decision. The accumulation of words requires a gradual increase vocabulary process, candidates are advised to buy a manual high school basic knowledge, routine long-term learning. 2. the ability of context analysis. Chinese words are often multiple, only in a specific context, in order to truly determine the meanings of words. So whether a word for context is an important reference standard to do this test. 3. master idiomatic collocation. In peacetime, speaking and reading, pay attention to some fixed collocation and idiomatic expressions, especially the national fundamental policy and leaders in the speech language collocation. So the candidates should pay attention to learning the language of mainstream media, such as peoples daily, Guangming Daily newspaper or etc.. A: 2009 National Examination Zhenti 32 questions: 1. practice shows that the system design is good, affordable housing is no longer the governments financial burden, on the contrary, it is economic growth. Housing security itself has shown a strong vitality and become sustainable, can produce a stable return on investment goods. In the part of underline the most appropriate one is (). A. based on B. for dynamic opportunities C. D. in the performance of the premise [analysis] A from the collocation habits, for should be used for collocation, such as. . Considering (or objective) , used here to sentence fragment, the


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