searching using boolean logic使用布尔逻辑检索.pdf

searching using boolean logic使用布尔逻辑检索.pdf

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searching using boolean logic使用布尔逻辑检索

SEARCHING USING BOOLEAN LOGIC Boolean logic uses the terms AND, OR and NOT to combine concepts. Ithaca College Library in the US uses ice cream to illustrate how Boolean operators work*… In database searching OR expands a search by broadening the set. It is often used to combine synonyms or like concepts. Strawberry OR chocolate OR vanilla = an ice cream lover with global tastes e.g. A textword search for information about teenagers should include the words most commonly used: adolescents OR adolescence OR teens OR teenagers OR young adults In database searching AND narrows a search. It is often used for linking together different concepts. Strawberry AND chocolate AND vanilla = an ice cream lover who only eats ice cream which combines 3 flavours at the same time (i.e. Neopolitan ripple) e.g. The following statement students AND behavior will only retrieve records in which the words ‘students’ and ‘behavior’ appear in the same document. In database searching, NOT is used to get rid of an unwanted concept. (Strawberry OR vanilla) NOT chocolate = an ice cream lover allergic to chocolate


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