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五、六十年代的红虎头拥有粗壮的身形 The fifties and sixties of red tigers stature has a sturdy 北京产大尾虎头(1964年《人民画报》) Beijing middle Tai Mei Steller (1964 Peoples Pictorial) 在良好的饲养条件下,虎头的肉瘤在五月龄的幼鱼头顶开始出现,到完全长成需要1年以上,北方地区,冬季寒冷,生长期更长,要等2年以上,方能成型。 In good breeding conditions, the Stellers sarcoma at the age of the juveniles in May began to appear overhead, to fully grow into a need for a more than one year, the northern region, the winter cold, growing season longer, we have to wait two years before being forming. 虎头金鱼头身比例,一般在1:3,少数个体可达到1:1,但是过短的身体,容易出现鱼鳔失调引起侧翻,特别是那些经过催饲的金鱼,头瘤生长过早,在当年即显丰满的个体,不易长期饲养。 Tiger-head gold head body ratio, generally 1:3, a few individuals up to 1:1, but after a short body, prone to swim bladder disorder caused by rollover, especially those feeding through the reminder of the goldfish, the first tumor growth too early, In that year, remarkable fullness of the individual, not easy to long-term feeding. 头身比例接近1:1的虎头 Head and body close to the 1:1 ratio of tiger 另外笔者以为,虎头金鱼可根据头瘤的形态,分为鹅头型、虎头型、狮头型、兰寿 (Ranchu) 型四类。 Also I think that tiger-head goldfish tumors according to the first form, is divided into goose-head type, tiger-head type, lions head type, Ranchu (Ranchu)-type four categories. 鹅头型:顶部的肉瘤明显比两颊发达,顶部的头瘤呈方形或蘑菇状,代表品种为鹅头红。 Goose type: sarcoma were significantly higher than the top of the cheeks well developed at the top of the first tumor was a square or mushroom-shaped, on behalf of goose red varieties. 虎头型:顶部的头瘤与两颊的同样发达,头部呈方形,肉瘤紧致。 Stellers type: at the top of the head and the cheeks of the same tumor developed, the head was square, sarcoma compact. 代表品种王字虎头。 Wang on behalf of the word tiger species. 狮头型:两颊的肉瘤比顶瘤更发达,呈现草莓状的小颗粒,代表品种猫狮、寿星。 Lions Head type: cheekss sarcoma tumors are more developed than the top, showing strawberry-shaped small particles, on behalf of the cat breeds lions, god of longevity. 兰寿型:头顶及两颊肉瘤不甚丰厚,口两侧肉瘤向前突出,代表品种为日本兰寿。 Ranchu type: head and cheeks sarcoma less generous, the mouth on both sides of sarcoma outstanding forward on behalf


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