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第28 卷 第3 期 天津中医药大学学报 Vol.28 No.3 2009 年9 月 Journal of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Sep.2009 论著·理论探讨 研精覃思 务求本义(二) ———郭霭春先生《金匮要略校注语译》学术特点简述 吴仕骥 摘要:简述了郭霭春先生《金匮要略校注语译》的学术特点。1)校勘全面精审,据校资料丰富,运用四校方法 对《金匮要略》原文和《金匮方论衍义》进行了校勘,分别出校语 1 331 条和42 条。2)注释旁征博引,采撷了89 部 著作的论述对原文详加诠解,并抒发己见,阐发原文本义。3)训诂言必有据,参考书则采《说文解字》、《尔雅》、《方 言》、《广雅》等及一些古籍汉唐归注,力求“一义必析其微”。4)重视首家注本。5)匡正古注错误,对于古注欠妥之 处,提出了自己见解。 关键词:《金匮要略校注》;学术特点;郭霭春 中图分类号: 文献标识码: 文章编号: ( ) R222.1 A 1673-9043 2009 03-0113-03 Grave research and thinking for exploring real meaning:brief discussion on academic characteristic of checking comment and translation of Jingui Yaolue of Professor GUO Ai-chun WU Shi-ji (Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300193, China) Abstract: The academic characteristic of checking comment and translation of Jingui Yaolue of pro- fessor GUO Ai-chun was briefly discussed in this article. The checking was comprehensive and the used information material was plentiful. The original article of Jingui Yaolue and Jingui Fanglun Yanyi was rectified using four-checking method and 1331 and 42 items of checking word were described. The comment was quoted widely or extensively. A detailed explanatory notes to the original article was giv- en according to the discussion in 89 writings and his own comment was also given. The comment must be given in the light of solid foundation and the reference book included Shuowen, Erya, Fangyan, Guangya, etc. The first comment literatures was emphasized, the fault of ancient comment was correct- ed, and his own viewpoints on the improperly


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