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课题: Module 6, Book 2 Films and TV Programmes Grammar 1, Grammar 2 and Function 枣庄八中南校 杨波 一、教学目标、方法和手段概述 课 题 Films and Programmes 课 型 Grammar 目 标 要 求 知识目标 To learn: 1. the adverbs of frequency and place like: seldom, occasionally, now and then, never, etc. 2. adverbs and adverbial phrases expressing how often 3. the way of talking about how often 能力目标 To train: 1. the ability to recognize different adverbs and adverbial phrases 2. the ability to use the adverbs and adverbial phrases of frequency, place and how often 情感态度价值观 To arouse students: 1. Intrest of using adverbs and adverbial phrases. 2. Cooperation with others. 教学重难点 1. To Learn the adverbs and adverbial phrases. 2. Full understanding of position of adverbs and adverbial phrases and their meanings and positions To use the adverbs and adverbial phrases correctly. 教学方法 1. adopt the Task-based Approach to design some tasks for students to practice the words and phrases and improve their grammar abilities, from simple to complex and related to each other. 2. adopt the Audio-lingual Approach to arouse the Ss’ interest in the lesson. 教学手段 CAI 二、教学流程设计 Part 1 Leading in Warming up Step1 Revision and leading in Ask Ss to revise some words and complete the sentences with the correct forms. He spelled the words ________(correct). Characters in martial arts film leap _________(grace) now and then. China is the third nation to send a man into space ______(success). They put up many buildings _______(recent) Ask one or two Ss write their answers on the blackboard and Ss check together, asking Ss to pay attention to the form of the words. Tell Ss that all the answers are in adverbial forms which are used to describe the time/ place/ way/ frequency of an action. Tell Ss that’s what we will talk about in this class. Part 2 Grammar Step1. Grammar 1 Ask Ss to read the sentences in Activity 1 on P54 together and try to underline the single words that can tell you how often something happens.


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