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徵稿啟事 207 第三十四屆中華民國英語文教學研究國際研討會 主辦單位:國立高雄第一科技大學應用英語系 會議地點: 國立高雄第一科技大學國際會議廳 會議日期:207年月星期五 會議語言:英文會議主題: 會議子題:科技輔助語言教學與學習語教學與學習之革新 課程與教材設計 語用學與言談分析社會語言學心理語言學語言評量與測驗文學教學翻譯與口譯其他語言學習與使用相關子題 重要日期: 摘要截稿日期:20年月日 摘要接受通知日期:20年月日 發表形式: 論文報告:20分鐘發表、10分鐘討論 工作坊:45分鐘發表或示範、15分鐘討論 摘要投稿方式:, 摘要字數為0字,請以英文撰寫並附關鍵字 摘要請以電腦打字(WORD版本) 、字元12號、行距兩倍 摘要文稿請勿具名,以匿名審 作者資料請另填寫投稿資料表 (請閱附件) 請將摘要與投稿資料表以e-mail附件方式寄至 eng@nkfust.edu.tw 聯絡方式: 小姐 @nkfust.edu.tw 電話: 07-601-1000 分機5101 Call For Papers 2017 International Conference on English Teaching and Learning Organizer: Department of English National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology (NKFUST) Conference Venue: International Convention Hall, NKFUST Conference Date: May 19-20, 2017 Conference Language: English Conference Theme: New Vision for ELT: Exploring the Learning Needs of the Net Generation Topics: Technology enhanced language learning and teaching Flipped learning and teaching Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) New approaches to English learning and teaching Language teaching methodology and communication strategies Curriculum design and materials The role of culture in English learning and teaching English for specific /academic/occupational purpose (ESP/EAP/EOP) Pragmatics and discourse analysis Sociolinguistics Psycholinguistics Corpus linguistics Language assessment and testing Teaching literature Translation and interpretation teaching Any topics related to innovation in language use and learning Important Dates: Abstract submission deadline: November 15, 2016 Notification of acceptance: January 15, 2017 Presentation Formats: Paper session: 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions Workshop: 45 minutes for demonstration or presentation and 15 minutes for questions and discussion Abstract Submission Guidelines: Please submit your abstract in accordance with the following requirements. Each abstract is expected to be 300 words in length. Please write in English and include keywords at the end. T


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